Part 23

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Manon's POV

I wake up with a start, unsure where I am or how much time has passed. My head is pounding, though I no longer feel sick. Instead, I'm starving.

I sit up, expecting Abraxos next to me and the fresh air on my face. But I'm inside, and I can't see Abraxos anywhere.

I'm on my feet in an instant, Wind-Cleaver in my hand. However, I have to sit back down as dizziness again hits me, and I realise my thirst is almost as potent as my hunger is. Only then do I take in the room.

It's small, in either a very fancy house or small castle. It's some sort of relaxation room, with multiple couches lining the stone wall. A couple of tapestries hang from the walls, ancient and depicting various scenes of bloodshed. The window to my left is open, letting in a cool breeze, and two doors lead off from the room. One, to my right is closed, but I can still hear the bustling hallway beyond it. The other, directly opposite me —

A scent hits me, coming from the slightly ajar door, so strong that I have to cover my nose.

Lorcan and Elide's scent. Their mixed scent.

I gag, not disgusted by the scent itself but by what's going on in the room across from me. Now that I'm listening, I can hear feminine giggling and moaning, accompanied by other such sounds. I frown at the slightly open door. Disgusting.

"You can at least wait until your guest isn't in the next room before you do that,'' I snark, the disgust in my voice evident. From the alarmed grunt Lorcan makes, I know he's heard me, his fae hearing picking up my cool tones.

Elide squeaks in protest, obviously not knowing I'm awake. A moment later, the door snaps shut with a blast of Lorcan's dark power. When I laugh softly, his snarl reaches me from even behind the firmly shut door.

When they don't emerge, I wonder if they've kept going, with the door now closed. I stand, striding over to admire an expensive looking vase with beautiful spring flowers blooming from them.

Sex-deprived bastard. The only reason I don't kill Lorcan on sight is Elide. Never in my power would I do anything to hurt her. Which means Lorcan...

If he ever does anything to hurt her, I'm pretty sure the entire continent would go after him.

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