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*contains nature content*

Elide's POV

I watch Manon leave with the servant, collapsing onto the sofa as soon as she's out of sight. I have never seen Manon like that before. Never. It takes me a moment to realise it's probably just the pregnancy hormones that she'll have, like Yrene's were, but worse. Witches and fae are said to have worse pregnancies than humans do, anyway.

One tug down the bond and Lorcan is immediately here. It looks like he's been training again, as his shirt it off and he's sweating a little. "What's the matter?" Lorcan asks, always assuming the worst. I smile, biting my lip.

"I believe," I say slowly, smiling, "That we were in the middle of something earlier." Lorcan immediately catches on.

"Really?" he says, sitting beside me on the sofa and leaning back. He puts his arm around me. "And what was that?"

"I think you know," I say, leaning in to kiss his ear. Lorcan's hand comes up to cup my head, and our lips meet.

"Perhaps we should go somewhere a bit more private," Lorcan says onto my mouth. "You know, to continue."

I pull back, sighing. "Well, if you don't want to..."

"El-ide," Lorcan huffs, and suddenly I'm in his arms and he's carrying me toward our room. I put my arms around his neck, pulling his forehead towards mine.

As he walks into the corridor, me still in his arms, people wisely move out of our way at the intent reflected in each others eyes. "You know," I say, leaning my head back against his arm, "I've always wondered if you could make it all the way back to our rooms without looking." Lorcan raises his eyebrows at my failed attempt at flirting. I continue, trying to sound like Manon does when she's with Dorian, "Y'know, if you were, say, preoccupied with kissing me."

"Maybe we should try it," Lorcan says, smirking. A moment late, his mouth is on mine, our lips united. I smile as our tongues touch, loving every second of it as I always do. I barely register servants and others literally turning away as they see us coming, walking fast in the other direction as Lorcan carries me through the halls. I don't care.

It turns out he can make it to our rooms, though he has to pause on the threshold and put me down to open the door, to both of our disappointment. The door is barely shut before we're together again, bodies entwined and clothes long gone. We barely make it onto the bed before continuing what we started earlier.

This time it's Lorcan who whispers softly but sincerely onto my mouth, "I love you, Elide."

"Let's have a baby," is all I reply.

We barely pause our love-making long enough to eat, but eventually, I need to. We eat in our room, the servants bringing food up, suspecting what we were doing and wanting to make sure. Although Lorcan growls about snoops and gossipers, I'm glad they bring food up.

We're together again before we've barely finished, Lorcan on top of me on the floor. We stay that way for a good hour, before the wood begins to dig into my back and we move onto the bed. At about midnight, I have to stop, Lorcan insisting I need sleep. Despite wanting to continue, and the fact I'd never admit it, I do need sleep.

I pull my mouth off his, and with a little rearranging of our limbs, I'm curled into Lorcan's chest, cuddling into him. "I love you, Elide," Lorcan repeats.

"I love you too," I murmur. "I'm glad you came to Perranth with me."

He squeezes me into him, and I can feel the love radiating off him and into me. Lorcan waits until I'm almost asleep before whispering, "So am I."

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