Chapter 8

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It's been about a week since the incident when Michelle passed out.
The ducks have been quiet ever since it happened, regretting treating the ice angels like that. Coach Bombay still made them come to practice,put them through hell as punishment for doing that to the girls.

Coach Bombay was still in shock that the ducks would do something like that to new players,especially since it hasn't been a year since the new ducks joined the mighty ducks.
He just couldn't believe they would do something like that to anybody, new players at that.

"This is going to go on for another week" Coach Bombay told the ducks, who didn't make a sound at what he said.

"This will teach you to never to do that again."Coach Bombay told them,and blew his whistle.
"5 minute break"

It was like god answered the ducks prayers because they sighed heavily as they all went to get some water. Breathing heavily and everything, the ducks still wasn't really saying anything.

Coach Bombay sighed,"come sit down ducks"the ducks sat down on the sidelines for the hockey players with their cups of water, calming down. "I'll be back, Don't do nothing stupid."

The ducks kind of let go after Coach left,"Man, I don't think I can survive another week of this, Charlie" Goldberg stated to Charlie while wiping sweat off of his forehead.

"Well, what do you want me to do about it Goldberg? It's a punishment." Charlie says as he downs some more water.

"I don't know Charlie, maybe talk to Coach or something"

"Okay, let's say I do talk to coach, what if he extends this punishment for all of us."

"I don't know, it'll be you're fault." Goldberg states as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Goldberg, shut up."
The ducks laughed slightly at Charlie and Goldberg.

The ducks turned to see Mikayla skating on the rink,doing figure skating tricks, simply being happy.
Mikayla had on some Jean pants that flair out at the feet,an all white blouse, her hair in a high pony tail with her ponytail being really curly at the top of her head, with her curly bangs, she looked really cute.

"Mikayla, wait!" Michelle says as she skates after Mickey really fast.

Lauren starts laughing as she starts skating at full speed past Michelle and Mikayla.

"Show off!" Mikayla yells at Lauren who laughed and kept skating. "Girls!" Aaliyah yelled at the three angels. "Y'all was supposed to wait for Coach Bombay!!!" Aaliyah yelled at them again.
The ducks stood up, looking at them in surprised, chuckling in happiness. Even Jesse cracked a smile, seeing Michelle up and back to normal.

The girls skated over to the ducks, "have you all seen Coach Bombay anywhere? We need to talk to him." Michelle asked the ducks, looking worried.
"Uh, I think he is in his office." Charlie tells them.
"Where is his office?"Mikayla asked the ducks.

"I'll show y'all where it is." Jesse said as he got up from his seat. The girls looked at Aaliyah for the 'okay' to go with Jesse.
"Go ahead, he is not going to hurt you"Aaliyah told them as she laughed slightly, the ducks laughed at them in adoration.
"I don't know liyah, he look like he could." Mikayla says as she skated behind Michelle hiding.

Jesse made a face towards Mikayla like he was saying 'really bro'.
"I'm not worried about him hurting us." Michelle states as she skates around liyah, Jesse and Mikayla.
"Oh really" Jesse told her with a smirk on his face.
Michelle nodded her head with a slight smirk on her face, both Jesse and Michelle was just staring at each other, like they was waiting on the other one to blink.

"Uh, Jesse please show us to where Bombay's office is?" Aaliyah says as she looked at the two of them with a small smile on her face. "Uh.. yeah sure" Jesse said as he skated off towards Bombay's office, Michelle following right behind him was still looking at him.

"Am I the only one that peeped Jesse and Michelle looking at each other?" Brianna asked everybody.

The ducks were smiling, laughing, slightly as they did peeped that.
"Well, come on."

Aaliyah, Brianna,and Mikayla skated off following Michelle and Jesse.

Jesse took off his skates and was walking towards Bombay's office, with the girls following him in their socks. Jesse stopped at a door that had the name 'Coach Bombay' on it.

"Here it is"
"Thank you Jesse" all the girls told him and he smiled slightly. As the girls walked into the office. "He's not in here." Aaliyah told them.
"Maybe he went out to get food" Jesse told the girls as he moved out of the way to let the girls walk back out.

"What time did Bombay leave Jesse?" Brianna asked him.
Jesse looked up at the clock that was on the wall it read 1:30.
"I don't know not long before you got here." He stated as he started walking back towards the ice rink.

The girls followed him back to where the five of them took off their skates,put them back on, and started skating on the ice.
Jesse made sure to keep a close eye out for Michelle, who looked much better then last week when she passed out.

Michelle and Jesse were skating side by side, Jesse cleared his throat,"Are you okay Michelle?" He asked as he turned and looked at her. Michelle tried not to smiled but Jesse peeped it, "yeah I'm okay Jesse, don't worry". "Oh okay that's good" Jesse told her as he put his hand in his pocket nervously.

Why the hell am I nervous?! I ain't never been nervous around a girl in my life!?

Jesse thought to himself as he freaked out a little bit. "Hey Michelle" Jesse called out to the girl next to him. Michelle looked up at him with her dark brown eyes.

"I just wanted to apologize on behalf of the mighty ducks for treating you and you're friends liked that, it was wrong, very wrong, we were threatening by you girls and I hope you don't let that ruin you're view about the mighty ducks."

Jesse,at this point was looking Michelle in her eyes, so she would know that he was sincere about his apology. "Jesse, it's okay I accepted you're apology." Michelle told the 5'8 boy next to her.

Jesse chuckled in relieve, he couldn't believe Michelle accepted his apology especially after how the ducks treated her and the angels.
Michelle laughed right with him, showing off her beautiful smile.

Jesse tried not show of his full smile. "It's okay to smile Jesse" Michelle told him as she started skating around him lazily as she fully turned and went back towards the girls and the ducks. Jesse smiled slightly at what Michelle said to him.

This girl has me acting differently

"Can you all tell coach we came by to talk to me today? We're going to go back home." Aaliyah told the ducks as she skated towards the ice rink exit.

"Sure I'll tell him" Dean responded eagerly, while keeping his eyes on Aaliyah. "Thanks Dean!"

Dean tried not to smile at Aaliyah yelling his name. "Bye guys!" Mikayla and Brianna yelled towards the duck union.
"Bye" they all responded towards the girls.

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