Chapter 29

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I have decided to continue with this story.

A/n- Prepare to be filled with everything and nothing at all, I'm just kidding, just to be clear  I have no ideas for this book, besides having been more so friendship, laughter, and sadness themes!

The time frame is set a few months after the Winter Games. Yes, they're all going through the process of going back to public school again!

Michelle's point of view

I am so excited for today, (A/n- I have no idea if I wanted to skip to their senior year or have it set about a year since the Winter Games.) We do have practice today with the ducks then after we're going to do online school. I finished getting my stuff ready as I ran downstairs with my hockey gear already on.

''Mikayla, hurry up! We're going to be late for practice!'' I yell to my 15-year-old sister. We made our way to the car and we said bye to our parents. We made it to practice with fifteen to spare.

''Well, looks like we're running drills today!''Mickey (Mikayla's nickname) yelled as they ran to change. ''Not me!'' I yelled back as I followed them to the locker until it was time for practice.

''I can't believe it, Liyah you're graduating this year.''

''Have you decided what you want to major in for college?'' Meghan asked her as I helped her fix her hair, pulling her box braids into a low neat ponytail.

''No, not yet. I want to go to college, I want to sing, I want to act. I want to do it all.'' Aliyah responded as she pulled her straightened hair into a low bun and then put on a headband.

''You want to be famous?''

''No'' Aliyah told us as she thought and opened up her computer, submitting a few assignments.

I nodded as I continued helping the girls as we made it to the sidelines.

''Finally, you're here girls!'' The Ducks were crazy loud as they all greeted us hooping and hollering.

''When did you guys get here?!'' I asked them excitedly as Briana and Mikayla tackled Connie and Julie to the ground in a bone-crushing hug. We haven't seen the ducks in over a month, since we were visiting some family for a while.

''It's only been a month since we last saw you guys. I know you didn't miss us that much.'' Briana said as she laughed. We sat and caught up for a few minutes as Bombay blew his whistle.

''Okay, ducks! Line it up!" We lined up, and he blew his whistle again as we stayed still.

His whistle sounded loudly throughout the whole rink, we took off skating.

We've been practicing on and off for three hours, we finished freshening up in the locker room as we made our way home.

''Hey, You all want to study today, and get some pizza or something?'' Charlie asked us as we nodded.

''Sure.'' They all made their way back to Michelle and Mikayla's house.

(A/n- Yes, Today's tech is a part of their time)

Mikayla opened the front door of their house and she kicked off her shoes. ''Make sure to kick off y'all shoes!'' She shouted at them as she ran upstairs to change. Everyone kicked their shoes off as they all greeted Mikayla and Michelle's parents.

''Hi, Mr and Mrs Johnson''

''Hey, ducks. How have you been?'' Kadeem asked them.

Some of them responded with greats or goods, ''I can't believe we go back to public school in a few weeks!'' Briana yelled as she sat down grabbing her laptop.

''I know, I can't believe it either. I'm not ready.'' I responded.

Our mom ordered us pizzas and sodas for dinner, as the ducks started studying the girls and I put our hockey stuff in my room. ''I can't do this!" Mikayla says as she looks like she is ready to pull her hair out. She spends about an hour and a half on her math assignment. Goldberg just grabbed her computer, as he started to explain to her how to do it.

''Thanks, Goldy.'' She finished her assignment. Goldberg's face went red slightly as he told her she was welcomed.

Dwayne, Kenny, Terry, Connie, and Julie laughed at him.

We kept studying as usual as my mom brought the pizzas and sodas.

''Thanks, Mom''

They all thanked our mom as they all grabbed a slice of pizza.

After another two hours, we were finished studying. ''So, what now?''

''We could go play scrimmage or something.''

''Or, we could go see a movie.''

Everyone agreed as we got up and said bye to my parents then we left the house.

This is just the start of this story, I don't know how long this story will be at all or where I'm going with this.

I hope you all enjoyed this!

Please don't copy or repost my stories! I don't own the mighty ducks, characters, or anything that includes them. ALL RIGHTS GO TO THE CREATORS OF THE MOVIES AND EVERYONE ELSE.

I only own Michelle, Briana, Mikayla, Lauren, Ryan, Meghan, Aliyah, and any future OCs.

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