Chapter 4

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A Quick Game
Mikayla's point of view
All of us went out on the ice lining up. "Okay,warm up again and I'll let you know what's going to happened afterwards" Coach Bombay tells us and blew his whistle, we took off.

Michelle had the puck and was skating right pass the ducks when Dean checked her,it was pretty hard too. She fell to the ground. Michelle gave him a death glare as she got up on her feet. Dean then went down just as hard,he hit the ground. Aliyah checked him. "Be careful Dean" Aliyah taunted him as she skated away with Michelle laughing at him.

I could see coach bombay going 'oooh' when Aliyah checked Dean. So did the other ducks,we finished warming up. Then coach blew his whistle. "Okay,now since there are seven angels and a lot of you ducks. I'm going to pick out seven ducks,so we can do team game today,to see where you all are." Coach told us.

"Conway,Hall,Goldberg,Reed,Portman, Mendoza,and Banks." Coach announced to us. "Oooh" the rest of the ducks taunted.
"Goldberg you're the goalie for the ducks and Mikayla you're a goalie for the Angels." Coach continued to say. Leaving us angels and the rest of the six ducks.
"Okay, Jesse and Michelle come here." Me and This boy named Jesse who had hair that looked the softest in the world skated towards Coach right in the middle of the rink.

"Okay first team to five goals win" coach Bombay said then he dropped the puck and skated off to the sideline. I immediately hit the puck towards the ducks side and skated off pass Jesse. "Damn it" I heard him say and skated right behind me. The boy with light brown almost blonde hair and blue eyes skated towards me, I still had the puck, I looked up to see Briana and the boy with long black hair.
"Briana!" I yelled out for her and shot the puck towards her and she got the puck and scored.

"Yay! Come on girls we could do it!" Mikayla says while laughing clapping her gloved hands.

"Keep it going guys!" Coach Bombay yells at us, while watching us play.

Goldberg hit the puck towards Jesse who caught it, he started to skated down the rink. When Meghan checked him making him fall to the ground. Briana got the puck and skated back down towards the ducks goal,when Adam tried to get the puck from her. She started to block his hockey stick. Everywhere Adam tried to get the puck from Briana,she blocked him.

Then Adam ending up on the ground because I checked him,letting Briana skated pass him and score.

Mighty ducks- 0
Ice Angels- 2 points

"Come on ducks!" Goldberg yelled at the boys. The rest of the ducks were cheering it felt like we was in a game. Coach was looking at us play like a hawk with this older man by him. They were whispering to each other while looking at all of us.

Goldberg hit the puck back onto the ice when a boy with black hair and light brown skin got the puck and started skating down the rink towards our goal. He was really fast. Lauren then started to skate down the rink,catching up to the speedster boy in seconds and skated right pass him and grabbed the puck. Lauren went around our goal and started skating back towards the ducks goal.

"Damn she's fast." I heard Coach say towards the older man. "Yeah, maybe even faster then Mendoza."
The older man said,coach nodded his head.

That's when Dean and this boy with long brown almost black hair started skated towards Lauren at full speed. Lauren just kept on skating towards them in even more full speed.

"Okay you guys stop!" I yelled out because the three of them was going full speed ahead towards each other it could end bad.

Lauren kept on skating full speed towards Dean and the boy. When at the last second she moved out of the way letting Meghan and Aliyah checked them both hard as hell.
Making them both fall to the ground hard. Lauren kept skating still having the puck and passed it on to Ryan who scored our third goal.

We all cheered for Lauren and Ryan!
"Go Destiny!" I yelled out towards Ryan and Lauren. They smiled at me and laughed in shyness.

"Three to nothing!" I yelled out while laughing. Coach called for Dean and the black long haired boy to sit out. Jesse and the light brown haired boy helped both of them up towards the stands.

In a time span of thirty minutes the ducks have four goals, we are tide four to four, one more goal and one of our teams win. Mikayla threw the puck back on the ice, Lauren got it and skate down the rink in seconds. Dean checked her,making her fall and lose the puck Briana then got the puck. I checked Adam and Jesse making the both of them fall while Ryan was skating to keep the dark brown haired boy away from Briana,she was keeping up with him. Black haired boy who is really fast,I think they called him Mendoza. He caught up to Briana and tried to take the puck from her.
Briana passed the puck to Meghan who skated towards Goldberg. She took the shot to score which he blocked.

The ducks and coach was cheering us on. The Coach blew the whistle and went towards the middle of the rink which we followed him. Lauren and Mendoza was in the middle of the rink,Coach had the puck. Everyone was still cheering.
"Last shot." Coach said started to say.
"Don't blink." I heard Lauren say to him, which he looked at her confusedly.
Coach dropped the puck which Lauren immediately grabbed it and skated towards their goal,making Mendoza disoriented, making him fall to the ground. Jesse was right beside Lauren he tried to check her. She juked him making him hit the wall of rink. She kept going skating towards their goal. The two brown haired boys tried to stop her but she did some tricks making them frustrated and fall down.

Lauren scored our last shot
Mighty ducks-4
Ice Angels-5

"We won!!!" Mikayla yelled and skated towards us while cheering and laughing.
"We won!!!" I yelled too.
"Yes,that's what I'm talking about girls!!!" Lauren yelled in excitement.
"Oh my gosh!!!" Ryan and Meghan both yelled to in happiness.
"We did it!!!" Briana yelled while skating around the rink and yelling.
"Okay girls!!! Calm down!!!" Coach said as he blew the whistle.

"The ice angels won our little game. I saw what I needed to see. I will be making the decision on if the girls made it on the team or not. I will let you all know about that in a few days!!!"Coach told all of us.

No body's point of view

We girls cheered along with the other ducks besides,Charlie,Adam,Goldberg,Jesse,Dean, Fulton,and Mendoza. "But for you angels, continue coming here to practice and work with the ducks." We cheered again. "You got it coach" I tell him. He nodded his head towards the seven of us. He looked at his watch on his wrist m. "Okay guys great practice today. Its almost four,great and I'll see all of you tomorrow be here by 7:00am. You all still have a lot of work to do!" Coach yelled for all of us to hear.

Edited on January 1,2022

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