Chapter 20

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To much for Me

Over the next few days Michelle has been avoiding almost everybody,Deon and his friends, the mighty ducks and even her girls. Michelle felt her heartbreak as she was sitting in her room in complete darkness. Knowing that she was treating her friends like she didn't give a damn about them when she missed and loved them so much,especially her girls. Michelle laid down as she started crying. After crying for what seems like hours,she finally got up. It was Saturday about 12:00 in the afternoon.

Michelle showered,combed her hair out and put it in a low bun. Got dress and went downstairs. She walked into the kitchen, grabbed a pop tart and a bottle of apple juice and left. Michelle started walking around the neighborhood,not knowing what to do or where to go at all.

She walked until she found herself at the one place she hasn't been too,in which seems like forever. She walked into the ice rink. Michelle took a seat in the bleachers, she didn't greet or talk to anyone. She looked at her teammates practicing and checking each other. Michelle sat there quietly.

Michelle took a few deep breathes as she got up to leave,hopefully leaving quietly as she could listening to Bombay yelling to her teammates. She watched them intensely,watching their every move trying to remember them. After about thirty minutes,she got up and left the rink.

When Michelle got home,she put on her pads and skates and started to practice. Since she hasn't been practicing the last few weeks she was a little bit rusty. After about an hour of skating and trying out moves from the ducks practiced she was drenched in sweat. She stopped finally and sat down on the pouch.

She was breathing hard as she took a long drink of ice cold water. "Michelle"She heard as she turned around as she saw her mom standing in the front door,watching her proudly. "I see you're back to skating now." Her mom said smiling at her. Michelle laughed slightly m, "yeah but I'm haven't been all the way back into it yet. Since you know..."Michelle trailed off as she went quiet."I know but at least you skated."Her mom stated as she sat by Michelle.

"I guess mom." Michelle sighed as she wiped the sweat dripping from her forehead onto her baggy tshirt. "I went down to the rink today." Her mom sighed, "I figured you did"
Michelle looked at her mom,"how?"
"You never could stay away from the ice long. This has been the longest in a while since I haven't seen you skate." Michelle put her head down then looked up at the sky and took a deep breathe.

"Mom... I..."Michelle started off as she sighed again. "It's just so hard mom." Michelle finally said as she felt the tears run down her face. Her mom hugged her,"What's hard Michelle?"
"Everything,school,hockey,getting suspended from the team. It's just to much for me." Michelle stated as she broke down sobbing.

Leah,Michelle and Mikayla's mom, just held her as she cried. Knowing that getting suspended from the mighty ducks. A team where she spend basically her whole life to become apart be of put on hold because of her actions. It tore Michelle apart,having somebody who she don't care about at all. Nor knew all that well do something like that to her just to see her crumble and fail. It broke her heart into what felt like a million pieces.

"I stopped talking to my teammates,my closest friends,stopped hanging out with them,stopped everything. If I could go back to change my actions I would in a heart beat mom."Michelle stated as she cried some more as she hugged her mom.

Leah sighed,"Michelle,you are one of the strongest people I know,you prove people wrong all the time,I know you can and will get through this,just like you got through everything else."

"How am I supposed to do that? I don't even know where to start at mom." Michelle asked while tears fell from her dark brown eyes. "Well you always had you're girls with you to get you through anything and vise versa. So start with them." Leah stated as she started to wiped the tears that where rushing down Michelle's face.

"I don't even know if they even want to talk to me."

"I'll tell you what after you're done out here skating,why don't you pray about it l? Take this weekend to focus on you're health and start fresh on Monday. If you don't want to go back to school for while, I can have it arrange where you can do online school for a while."Leah suggested.

"No,mom,I can do this"Michelle stated as she wiped her face. She got up and started skating again doing small tricks here and there.

Leah got up and went inside the house.

After Michelle spend about another hour on her skates,she took off went inside the home,showered,cleaned her room,combed out her hair. She sat on her knees at the end of her bed and started praying.

I know it's not the best chapter or even that good but I hope you all liked this chapter and bye!😊

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