Chapter 31 - Sorry Love

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Caw caw lovely people! We're getting closer and closer to the end! Just a head up there will be a lot time skipping to show how the trio's relationship develops

Anyway, enjoy the chapter! This is:

'Sorry Love'

Once the misunderstanding in Galar had dissolved; Days went on as Y/N, Leon, and Raihan spent their days reliving their childhood again. Out of nowhere, her childhood friends raised the question she dreaded to hear from their lips.

"We love you Y/N, so we'll let you choose who you want to end up with."

"Anyway..." The girl trailed off.

Silence pierced through the atmosphere.

Their attention was now on the H/C-haired girl. The boys were nervous to hear the next words that would come out of her mouth. The only thing they could do was wish the other the best of luck.

As for Y/N, she felt like she was in an ice bath. Their stares felt like icicles falling upon her, thus a cold sensation all over her body along with a heavy feeling in her chest, especially her hands. Her hands felt so clammy. It was so cold. If she tried to warm them up by rubbing her hands together but, it would only worsen the clammy feeling.

The cold sensation even tempted her to ask for Raihan's hoodie, but that would probably mess up the situation she's in.

The boys were expecting her answer, which L/N noticed. She forced herself to speak despite the odd sensation coursing through her body, but nothing came out, not even a stutter.

Why did nothing come out? It was probably because she feared hurting one of them, or it was probably because she's uncertain of whom to love.

The former champion knew them well, and she can guarantee that they loved her just as much as she loved them. If she chooses one of them, the other person will get hurt. No matter who she chose, the other person will get hurt in the end.

And just the thought of hurting someone else prompted her to find another solution, but found none.

But wouldn't it be better if she ended up with no one? Just the thought of staying single relieved her of the stress. It was the easy way out for her, but it would hurt them all, plus the burden of love was stressful as it already is.

Bloody hell. Why was love more difficult than math? Most people say they'd say a name in a heartbeat but, it felt like putting people's lives at stake, or Y/N was probably exaggerating but that's what she felt right now.

"I can't choose, I'm sorry." The H/C-haired girl admitted in defeat.

From what felt like years of staring, they couldn't believe it, but the shock didn't faze them since they immediately voiced their concerns with no hesitation. "Why not?"

"Because I love you both,"

Once she uttered her answer, it felt like Y/N had attacked them with sheer cold. They felt the same sensation she felt earlier; they felt like they were freezing. A series of goosebumps rose as their skin's hair stood at its peak.

Hell! Raihan felt cold, even though he wore that damn hoodie of his.

They didn't think that both of them would win. Just the thought of no one losing filled them with fulfillment and an empty feeling. They won, but at what cost? The cost of their most beloved to not choose who to love, because she fears hurting one of them?

Usually, competitions show who's better than the other but, this competition didn't prove that. It only proved that their rivalry wasn't stronger than Y/N's love for both of them. Just the thought of her love for them warmed their hearts, but her admitting not being able to choose drove away from the warmth and brought back the cold.

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