Chapter 4- Welcome Home Gifts!

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What am I doing with my life-

(Just to refresh the memory, M/N and F/N are mother and father name, and Underline is a quick flashback.)

"Ah, home sweet home!" Y/N said as she entered Laverre City. For the past weeks she's been out on her new adventure, training a ton, and winning gym badges, but she hasn't had the chance to return home yet. "Don't you miss the smell of the air here, Kirlia?" She said to her partner who was seated on her shoulder like normal. Y/N got a cheer in return, and took a moment to admire here hometown. "You only got to stay in Laverre for a short amount of time, and somehow you miss it." Y/N heard someone say behimd you. "Mom!" Y/N exclaimed as she saw her mom waving behind her, with her two pokemon helping her with some groceries. "Welcome home, dear. Let's go back home and celebrate, Slurpuff helped Cinccino and I pick out some fresh berries!" Y/N's mom said excitedly, leading her daughter and her daughter's Kirlia back to their home.

Y/N's mom practically kicked the door down, to alarm Y/N's father who was doing something else. "Honey! Guess who came home after the past weeks!" M/N yelled as she entered the house with her daughter following suit. "I don't remember me sending any pokemon out to get some things-" F/N cut himself off when he caught sight of his daughter behind M/N waving awkwardly. "Y/N! Darling, welcome back home!" Y/N's father said embracing her. Y/N let out a loud 'Oof' as her father embraced her tightly. "Honey, you can let go of her now, I bet she's tired." Y/N's mother said as she entered the kitchen to start cooking. "Oh alright." Y/N's father said letting go of her, and leading her to the dinning table, pulling up a chair for her. "So Y/N, how is your adventure going? I can see Ralts evolved" F/N said sitting on the chair across the table, pointing at his daughter's partner who was no longer on her shoulder, but was on the ground looking at all teh framed pictures. "Well, the team has been helping me win a lot of badges, and we're off to win our sixth badge here in Laverre!" Y/N replied excitedly. "Team aye? Why don't you show me!" Her father said also sounding excited. "I've been waiting to!" Y/N replied

Shw pulled out three more pokeballs from her pocket and her father gasped in amazement at the sight. A Meowstic, meaning Espurr has finally evolved, Eevee was still and Eevee, but it was shiny, and last, was Gible who was still as it was, but on the midst of evolution, and holding an eviolite. "Impressive! You're going to have a Pesudo legendary by the end of your gym challenge!" Y/N's father said addressing her Gible. He then turned to look at Eevee. "A shiny female Eevee? How cute, but I see you don't know what she should evolve into." F/N added, looking at the everstone loosely hung around Eevee's neck with a pastel ribbon. Y/N shrugged "I haven't decided yet, really. I'm torn between three Eeveelutions." She stated. "These three being..?" "Vaporeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon" Y/N replied. "Well, you should go for the one that will help you become a champion." Her father suggested with a smile. Y/N thought for awhile.

"That's it!" Y/N said hyped. "Decided?" F/N said amused. "Mhm! I think the best the choice is to get..... An Umbreon!!" She concluded, looking at her Eevee. The precious bean looked at her with a questioning look on her face, confused. "Eevee, it would be a big help if you allow me to help you evolve into an Umbreon, and I just need your approval!" Y/N told Eevee, kneeling down to reach her height. Eevee smiled widely and gave a loud 'Vee!' showing her approval and happiness. "I think you chose the right one, hun." M/N said walking out of the kitchen with her Cinccino and Slurpuff carrying plates of delicious looking food. "Now that everyone is here, why don't we eat, Y/N challenges the Laverre gym tomorrow, correct?"
Y/N's mother said looking at her daughter with a knowing look. "Oh uh, yeah! Tomorrow." Y/N confirmed.

"How about this, I saw your team, now I'll show you some upgrades to mine." Y/N's father said pulling out six pokeballs from his belt. Out came, his partners, Alakazam and Pangoro, and four others being, Braviary, Delibird, Escavalier, and Barbaracle. "Woah! Rufflet evolved!" Y/N said looking at the Braviary that was standing tall and confident. The last time she saw her father, he had Alakazam and Pangoro and a Rufflet, the others were new to him. "My pokemon aren't going miss out on this opportunity to meet your team!" M/N said pulling out three pokeballs from her pocket, and throwing them up to let out, a Mienshao, Swanna, and a Bellosom. "Now we can all eat together!" Y/N's mother said. Everyone cheered in reply, as they all started to dig in, while the other pokemon had their own small feast as well. I guess the house is big enough to fit in all these pokemon.

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