Chapter 8- Triple Champion Time

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Uhhh I like turtles?
Also it's 5 days till Christmas!

For the Kalos League Challenge, Y/N will be challenging the Elite 4.

(Underline - Flashback)
(M/N - Mother's Name)

"We're here, Gallade. The Kalos League." Y/N said holding her partner's hand nervously. Gallade smiled at the castle-like building ahead of them. After getting out of the cave to get to the league, they  knew the only thing standing in their way of becoming champion was a group of four powerful trainers and the reigning champion themself. The team has been training hard for this day, the day they get to challenge the champion for the title.

"Why don't we go heal up and get ready at the pokemon center over there?" Y/N suggested at the red and white building in front of the Kalos League. Gallade nodded as they walked into the pokemon center to heal up and prepare for the intense battles.
(There is one right?)

Now wait a minute, do you want to see the current team? Yeah? Well here is the list! No? Well screw that, here's the list anyway!

Item: Galladite
Ability: Steadfast
Gender: Male
Nature: Modest
Moves: Close Combat, Psyshock, Poison Jab, Leaf Blade

Item: Twisted Spoon
Ability: Keen Eye
Gender: Female
Nature: Brave
Moves: Psychic, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt, Future Sight

Item: Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
Gender: Female
Nature: Rash
Moves: Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Throat Chop, Headbutt

Item: Dragon Fang
Ability: Sand Veil
Gender: Male
Nature: Calm
Moves: Dragon Rush, Flamethrower, Earthquake, Dragon Pulse

Item: Focus Sash
Ability: Strong Jaw
Gender: Female
Nature: Gentle
Moves: Stone Edge, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Ancient Power

Item: Power Herb
Ability: Fairy Aura
Gender: Genderless
Nature: Bold
Moves: Moonblast, Megahorn, Flash Cannon, Geomancy

Wooo! A full team! Let's get back to the fanfic!

The partners walked out of the pokemon center feeling ready. "Gallade, I hope you're ready to become a champion." Y/N said confidently. Her pokemon nodded in response, holding his mega stone. "That's right! Our strong bond will help us out, won't it?" Y/N said grazing her key stone with her finger.

"No wonder Raihan and Leon called you the pokemon whisperer. You seem to understand everything your pokemon say. That's how you built strong relationships with them." Y/N heard someone say from behind them. She turned around and saw her mom there with a proud smile.
"Look at how far you've grown, my little girl about to challenge the champion!" M/N said slightly tearing up. "Aww, mom.." Y/N said embracing her mother. "How did you get here?" Y/N questioned, since it took her and Gallade awhile to get to the front of the league. "Nothing a little flying can't do!" Y/N's mother replied, pointing up at her Swanna that was soaring freely in the air. "Are you sure she was able to carry you?" Y/N joked, looking at her mom smugly. "Of course she was able to! Don't try me." M/N replied, lightly pushing her daughter as a joke. "Anyway, I came to see you off. After you called last night, I knew you would get to the league today! So I decided to fly over here. And I bet that I'm right on time." M/N said, patting her daughter's shoulder. "Don't worry, mom. I'll come back home... A champion!" Y/N said confidently, hearing her Gallade cheer as well. "Look at that, you and Gallade have a visibly unbreakable bond. It feels like just yesterday you brought Ralts home for the first time!" M/N said looking at Gallade then at her daughter. "Funny, it does feel weird." Y/N replied shrugging.

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