Toby x Reader

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11. "It's not a double date. We're just a third and fourth wheel."

A/N- Kinda sad but has happy ending! 

    (Y/N) P.O.V.

How did I get myself into this situation?  I thought.

                        Flash back to earlier that day

"Oh, come on (N/N) ." Toby begged. Both Toby and I are currently at your house eating pizza that he had ordered a well deserved treat. It was a Friday night and Toby decided it was a good idea to crash at your house. All week Toby, Jim, Claire and you as well as the trolls had been working really hard to keep the streets safe from goblins and gum gums. So Jim and Blinky decided that everyone needed to take a well deserved break. Draal, Aaarrrgghh, and Blinky decided to stay down in trollmarket. Jim and Claire decided to have a date night leaving Toby and I to figure something to do. Little did they know that you had a crush on the short  boy.

"No, Tobes. I am not going with you to crash Jim and Claire date. They deserve the break. You shouldn't be going either." I exclaimed as he took another bite of pizza.

"Awww, pleeeeeeeeaaasssseeee (N/N). I don't wanna go without you" he whined. At this I blush but luckily you where able to hide it by shoving a piece of pizza in your mouth. "Besides their date starts in an hour. We could still make it." I rolled your eyes, pause and think about if for moment. 

Somehow Tobias ended up convincing me to join him in "crashing" Jim and Claire's date. All four of us pulled up to the café. It wasn't anything fancy but it was a good place for a date. (PS. Its like night right now)

 We all take our seats outside

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 We all take our seats outside. Toby and I sat on one side of the table while Jim and Claire sat on the other. All four of us started a conversation full of laughs and smiles. The waiter walks up to our table with a wide smile.

"Hi young love birds. What can I get the couples to drink" Toby and I turned to each other both with red faces.

"I'll have a w-water and so will he." I stuttered.

How did I get myself into this situation? I thought. I really did have the biggest crush on toby but I've always to scared to tell him. I started to become so consumed in my own thoughts that I don't realize the waiter has brought our drinks till they said "What can we get you on this double date." Was this a double date? I mean Claire and Jim are a couple so why aren't Me and Toby. I have always wanted to tell him how I feel. Now's a good a time as any. But just as I was about to say something, Toby spoke and what he said next shattered my heart.

"It's not a double date. We're just a third and fourth wheel."

With that, I stand up and walk away. I can hear the voices of my friends behind me, calling be back. I just keep walking away speeding up as I get farther away. How could I be so stupid. Of course he doesn't like me. My brain goes wild as I speed walked to the bridge where I opened the secret entrance with the horngazel. With anger and sadness, I storm down to Blinky's library, not stopping for anyone. Not Vendel asking where the Trollhunter is or Draal wanting to start sparring with me. 

I rushed into the library and went immediately to Aaarrrgghh, who was sitting right next Blinky who was reading a book on troll history. I sat by them with out saying anything. I curled up and put my head down to my knees. Aaarrrgghh and Blinky exchanged a concerned look then Blinky continued reading and Aaarrrgghh pulls me into a hug.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong? You just stormed out on us. Did I say something?" Toby says as he enters the library. I look up and stare at him, not saying anything.

"Aaarrrgghh, my friend, I think we should leave them be." Blinky whispers loudly. He and Aaarrrgghh then shuffled out of the room.

"Tobes, I really like you, okay? I like like you I mean. I was always have and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Its ok if you don't like me back." I say. 

"Wait (Y/N) really." Toby questions. I nod as a huge smile spreads onto his face. "I like like you too (Y/N). I love you. Your amazing. I'm sorry for what I said earlier." At that moment I run over and pull him into a hug. We pull apart and he asks "Will you be my girlfriend?" I give him a peck on his lips and respond with a yes. All of a sudden, we hear cheering coming from the door. We both turn and see Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, Jim and Claire at the door celebrating. Toby turns back to me and he pulls me into another hug.

"I'm glad you convinced me to crash Jim's date with Claire." I whisper with the biggest smile on my face.

"Me too." 


(918 words)


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