Nari x Reader (Request)

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Thank you so much for requesting this.

A/N- Another song based oneshot. Im on a roll tho. 3 in one day after not having written in a long while. I am also gonna make this a FEMALE reader.

TW- angst but also fluff

(Y/N) P.O.V.

Things never see to go my way. I am aways the second choice. I am so tired of it all. just when I thought I've finally found someone, they find some one else. So i have given up. 

But there is one person who hasn't given up on me. Nari. Douxie introduced me to her a while back and ever since then she has been hanging around me all the time. Her presence... her laugh... her kindness is all intoxicating. I have fallen for her. She is all anyone could ever want. But she is a god. She wouldn't to seddle for some one like me. 

I sigh and look down at my hands. I should probably do something productive. So I stand and begin to clean my room. I go into my closet to hang some cloths and out falls my grandpa's old guitar. Setting the cloths on the floor I pick up the case and examine it. My grandpa used to play this for me all the time. 

An idea pops into my head. I take the case and go out the window and hall myself and the guitar case onto the roof. Sitting down, I take the guitar out of its case and begin to play. 

"Am I allowed to look at her like that. Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at? And she smells like lemongrass and sleep. She tastes like apple juice and peach. Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture. And she means everything to me." I sway along to the melody as I sing.

"I'd never tell. No I'd never say a word. And oh it aches but it feels oddly good to hurt." There is the sound of leave rushling but I choose to ignore it. It's probably an aminal or something."She smells like lemongrass and sleep. She tastes like apple juice and peach. Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture. And she means everything to me." I am totally lost in the emotion and melody of the song that I can't hear or focus on anything around me.

"and I'll be okay, admiring from afar. Cause even when she's next to me, we could not be more far apart. Cause she tastes like birthday cake, and storytime, and fall." A tear falls from my face and I feel the following words get caught in my throat. but I push through.

"But to her I taste of nothing at all." I feel the silence around me. "And she smells like lemongrass and sleep. She tastes like apple juice and peach. You would find her in a polaroid picture. And she means everything to me. Yes she means everything to me." My voice goes soft as I finish the song. "She means everything to me." I sit in scilence. eyes closed and tears running down my face.

Suddenly I feel a small familiar hand brush the tears on my cheeks. My eyes open and I see the one and only Nari in front of me, her gold and green eyes full of concern. 

"Oh Nari! sorry , was I desturbing you." I try to push her away but she stays.

"no. why are you so sad? who do you sing about?" 

"It doesn't matter." I look away sheepishy.

"It matters to me." My eyes go wide and I look back up at her. She has a kind and gentle smile on her face. I tear up once again.

"I really like you Nari. But... " Nari cuts me off with a hug.

"I like like you too (Y/N)." Smiling I wrap my arms around her. We stay like this for a while. holding eachother, relishung in our newly discovered feeling.

There is really some one for me after all


(693 words)


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