Krel x Female Reader (Request)

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Thank you so much for requesting this.

Prompt 3- "No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed."

A/N- This is going to be a short one. Also I based this off of myself lol. I am the kind of person to always be doing something and always having a to do list with a mountain of things to do lol.

3rd P.O.V.

The sun shone through the  sides of the closed curtains. The bright yellow light bouces of a mirror on the wall, staight into (Y/N)'s eyes. She stirs slightly and peaks one eye open. Groaning quietly, she looks at the clock. 10 am. Even though, it was a staurday, she still have a ton of things to do. Work, training, cleaning, studying (could be school, work or trollhunting related. Up to you). There is so much to do. (Y/N) stares up at the ceiling pondering her day and to do lists. There was a stiring in the spot beside her in the bed causing her to look over to see a beautiful blue boy beside her. 

(Y/N) P.O.V.

I smile and reach over to him to wipe a stray strand of hair out of his face. He opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"Good morning, my star." Krel said then yawned. 

"Morning." I stretch and yawn myself. Then I go to get up and sit on the edge of the bed, back facing him. 

"Wait," a pause then the sound of blankets ruffleing. "Where are you going." 

"It's 10. I have to get up. There is so much to do." I move forward to stand up when 2 pairs of arms wrap around me and pull me back down into bed. 

 "No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed." Krel snuggles and holds me as close as he can. I try and struggle to get out of his grasp. 

"No I can't stay here, I need to..." Krel cuts me off. 

"No (Y/N). Don't worry I called you in sick for your work while you were sleeping. Nothing else is important right now. You need rest. Don't think that I don't see you comming to bed at 3 o'clock in the morning." Krel sighs then shifts so that I am laying on his chest. His arms wrapped around my waist and back. "You need to nest. You know I love you and I want the best for you. So please. Stay." Resting my chin on his chest, I look up at him and my heart melts. I sigh and wrap my arms around him.

"Thank you for caring Krel. I love you too." Krel kisses the top of my head and we snuggle closer together.


(478 words)


Thanks again for the request!!!!

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