A/N- this may be an unpopular opinion but I have recently become such a Stricker fan.
(Y/N) P.O.V.
Walking through the empty halls of arcadia oaks high in the early morning is always unnerving. Something about empty school just gives me the heeby-geebys. That is why I quickly get to my classroom and shut the door behind me. With a sigh of relief, I look around my room. As my fear subsides an excitment takes its place. I take the bags from my hand to my desk then I get quickly to take all teh deccorations that I have brought and soem that are already in my desk.
Today I am suprising my (F/S)(favourite subject) class with a movie party. They have been working so hard and doing so well so I figure they deserve a break.
A knock at the door startles me and I whip my head around to see who was there. Through the window in the door I see Walter Strickler sheeplishly waking at me. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding until now. If I am being honest I have had my eye on him for a while.
"Come in." I shout as I turn back to bringing out my supplys. The door opens.
"Good morning (Y/N)," I hear his foot steps become closer and closer until he is beside me. "What are you doing here so early?"
"Well my class has been working so hard I have desided to throw them a little party." I smiled and pause to look at the mess I just made all over my desk top. I turn my head to the history teacher beside me. "What are you doing here so early?" He looks at me, almost a little paniced. I mean he should have expected me to ask.
"I just thought I should come in early. Get myself organized before the academic day begins." His answer was a little stange but I mean I guess its fair. "I'm sure the students will love this little celebration you are putting together. Is there anything that I can do to help you?"
"Oh, I wouldn't want to be a bother."
"No no. It's no trouble at all. I'd rather be here helping you than being in my classroom all alone."
"Alright if your sure... well if you could put one of these on each of the desks while I put up the fairy lights that would be great." I hand him box full of goody bags. Strickler grasiously takes it and starts to go down the rows placing the bags one by one. I grab a chair from one of the desks and stand on it to start to sting up the lights over the board.
About half way through hanging the lights when the chair suddenly starts to creek. I try and steady myself but the legs on the chair gives way. I let out a scream and squeeze my eyes shut tight as I fall backward, just hoping I dont hit a desk... But nothing happens... I open my eyes to be met with a pair of olive green eyes staring back at me.
"Woah there. Are you alright?" Strickler sets me back down on the ground. His hand remains on the small of my back even when my feet are steady on the floor.
"Yes. Thank you. I don't know what happened. These chairs are usually so durable. I've seen them thrown across the room and have been just fine." I laugh and Strickler does the same.
"Well maybe we use a step stool next time." Strickler says. I smile and look at his nervous beaming smile. I didn't want to move and it seemed Strickler didn't want to either. We both slowly move so that we now are facing each other. Nothing happens. We just stare into each other. I feel a breath on his face and I realize we have slowly gotten closer and closer. We are but a lips distnace away. His hands rests on my waist and mine on his chest.
"I have to say (Y/N) I admire you. I see the impact you have on your students and it is absolutly incredable.You are such a strong and caring person. You're an amazing person and anyone would be lucky to have you as a partner." Strickler whispered. It sounded like he was afraid. Like if he spoke too loud, it would scare me away. He glances at my lips then back into my eyes, asking me for permission. I lean forward and place a peck on his lips. Stricklers eyes close as he sokes up what just happened. I giggle and his eyes snap open again.
"Why don't you come over for supper tonight? I'll cook a nice meal for us and we can talk. Because the students should be coming into the school at any minute and I'm pretty sure they don't need to see us like this." I boop his nose and turn on my heels. I take the broken chair and put in in the corner of the room. He laughs and walked towards the door. Strickler stops halfway through the door and turns back to me.
"I look forward to seeing you tonight darling." Strickler walks out of the room, a devious smile on his face. I can feel my cheeks burning red.
"I can't wait." I whisper as I get back to work on decorating.
(926 words)
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Trollhunters x Reader Oneshots
FanfictionHere are some Trollhunters x Reader Oneshot that I hope y'all enjoy. I don't own any of these characters. Full credit to the makers of this show.