Aaarrrgghh or Blinky x Winged Female Reader Endings (Part 2) (Request)

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LolaBleuDiaz asked "What would happen if you chose both I'm so curious?"

Well here it is. Aaarrrgghh or Blinky x Winged female reader Endings Part 2 where reader chooses both Aaarrrgghh and Blinky.

A/N- This title keeps getting longer and longer lol. I think this will be the last part.

               (Y/N) P.O.V.

I have decided. I love the both of them so much I can't choose just one. I have to confess to the both of them.

I believe that Blinky and Aaarrrgghh are down in Trollmarket, more specifically in Blinky's library. My mind is going a mile a minute, bombarding me with questions. What's gonna happen? How are they gonna react? What happens if one of them feels the same and the other doesn't? What if neither of them like me back? Oh goodness! My thought distracted me as I walked all the way down to Blinky's library. I pause at the entrance inhaling deeply. Exhaling, I walk into the library. 

I walk in to see Blinky sitting on I stool reading a book, next to Aaarrrgghh who was just sitting on the floor listening. They look up to see me and smile.

"Hiiiiiii (Y/N), What up?" Aaarrrgghh asks. I take a shaky breath before I speak.

"Listen guys. I have to tell you something." I say,

"(Y/N) ok?" Aaarrrgghh asks confused and concerned.

"Yeah I'm ok its just..." I pause. "I really like you guys. I go so far as saying I love the both of you. I just couldn't choose between the two of you. I understand if you don't feel the same. I just had to tell you guys." There was a short silence till Blinky spoke.

"Oh goodness my dear. I feel the same way. If fact, does Aaarrrgghh as well." Blinky points Aaarrrgghh who was nodding. "You see, Aaarrrgghh and I are already in a relationship and now we wish you would join us." My eye widen and then smile as I pull them into a group hug which they gladly accept.

"Of course." I whisper. I pull away from the hug to look at their faces which were beaming. We spent the rest of the night cuddling and reading books in the library until I drift off to sleep.


(411 words)


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