Jim x Reader (Request)

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11. "It's not a double date. We're just a third and fourth wheel."

                   (Y/N) P.O.V.

Jim and I have been dating for a couple months now. Its has been great. Not gonna lie, it has been hard for us to find date time. We are both so busy with school, trollhunting and training. But luckily today we are able to catch a break. I planned a date for me and Jim and I am so excited. First, we go to the café to get some supper, then go out star gazing, finally top the night off with a movie and cuddles. I was broken out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I pick it up to see it's Toby calling. Hesitantly, I answer.

"Hi Tobes. What's up?" I ask.

"Hey (Y/N), listen I have a favor I need to ask of you. You see, me and Claire have nothing to do. Can we come on Jim and your date?" Toby questions.

"No come on Tobes that's not happening. Its a date not a hang out." I almost yell into the phone.

"Pleeeeeeeaaasse. " He begs. I pause then sigh in defeat. Reluctantly, I agree while rubing my temple with thumb and ring finger.

"Thank you sooooooooooooo much (N/N). You won't even know we're there."


Oh we noticed they where there alright.

Toby wouldn't stop talking to Jim and Claire wasn't any help. I sigh finally accepting the fact that this wasn't gonna be a date. Just a hang out. Oh well, it is what it is, I guess. Might as well make the best of it. I think in my head. I join the conversation where, for some reason, they're talking about Wolf-toads and willow-bate. Over all, I'm having a good time. When waiter walks out to our table, I recognize him. Douxie, I think is his name.

 "Good evening lady's and gents. The names Douxie and I will be your server today. What can I get you on your double date?" We all look at each other, not sure what to say.

"It's not a double date. We're just a third and fourth wheel." Claire and toby say at the same time causing them to chuckle. Both me and Jim looked at each other and turned bright red. As the the waiter left with our orders, all of us burst out into laughed. 

"Hahaha, I can't believe he thought this was a double date." Tobes laughed. Toby and I locked eyes as I smile warmly at him. I mouthed a "thank you" to him and he smiled back. 

"We are sorry we crashed your date. I tried to talk him out of it but you know how Toby can be sometimes." Claire apologized while me and Jim stared at each other sadly. Claire looked between the two of us then looked at the chubby boy. "Actually I have something I need to do after supper and I'm sure Toby can play some more video games with Aaarrrgghh. We'll leave the two of you after supper." Claire announced giving me a knowing look, which I respond with a small nod.


Just like Claire said after supper the two of them left leaving Jim and I alone to go star gazing. The sight was astonishing. All the little lights flickering in the night sky. The peace was perfect, just me and my boyfriend, alone. Both Jim and I lay on the grass in a sweet, comforting silence till he broke it by pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"Tonight was perfect thank you. I love you (Y/N)." Jim whispered against my lips. I smirked. 

"The nights not over. We still have a movie to watch and some cuddling to do." I say pulling way.

Tonight wasn't a total failure after all.


(674 words)


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