Troll Jim x Reader

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52. "Don't look at me like that."

A/N- I am writing as if after the eternal night the heartstone started working again and they all stayed in arcadia.

               (Y/N) P.O.V.

Today has been a long day. First the gnome's went rouge and started a riot. Once me and the gang dealt with that we had to go for more training. by the time it was break time I was exhausted.

I walk into the house that me and Jim shared. I immediately go and take a nice long shower. When I get out I put on a pair of short storts and one of Jim sweatshirts, which is huge on me. I'm checking myself out in the mirror when I see Jim starring in awe at me.

"Don't look at me like that." I say as a smile spread across my face. Jim walked over to me, rapped his arms around her and picked me up. Jim twirls me around as we laugh. He leans in and closed the gap between us. We spend a long while like this. We both pull away for air.

"I love you." Jim says with a smirk on his face. both of us walk over to the bed and lay down.

"Love you too." I yawn. We spent the rest of the time cuddling till we fall asleep.


(245 words)


Sorry its kinda short but oh well

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