The day started out like any other. I wake up, the sun still barely visible but that's normal for where I live. I walk outside my cave to see this view.
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(A/N- I don't own this image. full credit to who ever took it.)
You see I live in a cave in the mountains. This is because I am not a regular human. I mean I look normal... except for the fact that I have (F/C) wings (A/N- choose which kind of wing you want).
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(A/N- I don't own this image. full credit to who ever drew/designed this.)
Some may think of me as an angel or a valkyrie. But most people are just think I'm just a heartless monster. They get afraid and try to hurt me. So, I stay up here in the mountains where no one can find me. Until today that is.
I got back from my flight at around 9:00 pm ish (A/N- you spent the entire day flying? Idk). When I entered my cave, I hear the sound of voices. I hide behind some rocks and made my way slowly to the source of the sounds. What I see both shocks and surprises me. I see 3 human and 2 trolls. One was a tall, black haired human boy, one was a short and chubby human boy and one black tallish, black and white haired human female. As for the trolls, there was one troll that was really big and had green hair. The other was blue and had 4 arms as well as 6 eyes.
Incredible I think. I accidentally knocked over a tiny rock causing the band of travelers to jump and start to look around to find the source of the noise. I immediately hide behind the rock farther. When I knew they were too close and about to find me, I flew up in the air and said in a big booming voice
" WHO DARES INFULTRATE MY HOME!!!" At this, the humans all looked up at me with shock and fear that melted way to wonder. That doesn't normally happen. However to trolls didn't look to fear me at all. They stared at me with awe and fascination.
"We are so sorry for infuriating your lovely home but we have come on a great quest. We seek the (M/A). Do you by chance know where is may be found?" The blue troll asked as I land back on the ground in front of them. He speaks very eloquently I thought to myself.
"I am sorry but I don't know where the (M/A) is." As I said this they all looked at each other, very discouraged. In an effort to stop their disappear, I say "But I would be more than willing to help you find it. After all I do know these mountains better than anyone." With that said the big green troll picked me up into a hug. His fur is soooooooooooooooooo soft.
"Yay!!! New friend. I Aaarrrgghh." The big green troll who is Aaarrrgghh exclaimed. After a second or two he put me down. The whole group chuckled and so did I.
"Easy big guy. Hi. The names Jim I am the..." the tall, skinny boy started before I interrupt.
"A human Trollhunter. I know about the trolls and Trollhunters but never have I seen a human taking the mantel. Good for you. I'm (Y/N)." I say putting out my hand for him to shake which he gladly does.
"Hi. My name is Claire. I love your wings they are so beautiful." the human girls exclaimed with a smile on her face. This put a smile on my face.
"Yo, The names Toby or Tobes." The short chubby absently says. He's to focused on my wings to to listen. This makes me giggle as started to fluff my wings up. Causing Toby to jump then chuckle.
"And I am Blinkous Galadrigal but you may call me Blinky." He stated as he bows slightly. I smile and slightly bow as well.
Maybe this group isn't as bad as I thought they were gonna be.
Time skip
The quest was a success and a very fun adventure. I grew so close to all of them but Aaarrrgghh and Blinky especially.
This all happened about 5 months ago and now I am a fully fledged member of the trollhunters team. It has been amazing to be in this extra ordinary group of friends. it's all been incredible.
However right now I am having a dilemma. I have fallen for Aaarrrgghh and Blinky but I don't know which one to choose. Blinky is so smart, kind, intelligent, elegant, and bold. As for Aaarrrgghh, he's sweet, gentle, caring, strong and his hugs are the best hugs I have ever had.
Todays the day I wanna confess but I don't know who I should choose
To be continued.....
(923 words)
Sorry it took so long lol.
There will be 2 endings, one for each troll. I will publish those ASAP