Claire x Female Reader (Request)

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Thank you so much for requesting this.

A/N- this takes place on the cliff area above arcadia where jim and claire had their first dance. you know where im talking about lol. I'm in the mood to base oneshots off songs/with songs in mind soooooo hope this is ok.

(Y/N) P.O.V.

sitting on the edge of the clif, I sigh and look out at the sun setting over arcadia. Its moments like this that make every day struggles and battles worth it. That and my very special someone. Who is about 30 minutes late. I look at the guitar beside me and smile. She had gotten it for me when we first started dating. I reach my hand out and brush my fingers against the strings softly. The sound of the notes reminded me of all the hours we spent together, trying to figure out how to play it. We never got far before we would give up and put it away. But little did she know I actually learned how to play it behind her back so I could surprise her. I hope she likes it. 

I turn my head when I here the sound of footsteps racing towards me from  behind. I see Claire racing towards me. Once she gets to me, she plops herself down right beside me with a huff. I giggle at her a little.

"Sorry... I was late...  notenrique made a huge... mess." She huffed out. 

"Its fine Claire." She caught her breath and smiled at me. she was about somthing when the guitar caughter her eye.

"(Y/N), what did you bring that for?" I smile at her.

"I have a little surprise for you." I smiply say and pull the guitar into my lap. I take a deep breath in, close my eyes, and begin to play.

"We're far apart in every way but you're the best part of my day. And sure as I breathe the air, I know we are the perfect pair." my voice shakes a little as i am nervous but when I open my eyes back up, I see a beautiful wide eye look from Claire. I smile at her and scoot a little closer to her. "On a prickly path that goes on for miles but it's worth it just to see you smile. and I cannot be pulled apart from the hold you have on my heart and even if the world tells us it's wrong, you're in my head like a catchy song." 

"Oh my gosh (Y/N)..." I can see tears forming in her eyes.

"The seasons change and leaves may fall but I'll be with you through them all. And rain or shine, you'll always be mine." I bump into her lightly. "On a prickly path that goes on for miles, you're the only one who makes it all worthwhile." I lean my head closer to her face. "And you should not blame me, too. If I can't help fallin' in love with you..." Claire cuts me off with her lips craching into mine. Her hands go to my cheeks to try and bring me in closer. I giggle a little and set the guitar down beside us. I then take my arms and wrap my arms around her. Claire pulls us apart slightly and sets her forehead on mine. Her arms rest on my shoulders.
"Best surpise ever. I love you too." Claire whispers casuing me to smile.
We pull apart and turn to watch the sun set. My arm wrapped around her waist and Claires head on my shoulder we watch as our home sucums to the darkness of the night.


(627 words)


Short and sweet

Thanks again for the request!!!!

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