Bular x Jim's Older Sister Reader (Part 2) (Request)

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"Hello my queen."

(Y/N) P.O.V.

I open the door of Strickler's office with great care not to make any noise. Peaking inside, I see Stickler asleep in his swivel chair. Closing my eyes and sighing softly I think back to the events that have lead to this moment.


Jim killed him.


Jim, my brother, killed Bular, the one I love the most.

I was totally heart broken. Jim tried to make amens with me but after all that has happened, there was absolutely no way. I spent countless nights crying myself to sleep. Strickler came to me many time and comforted me, which I am really thankful for. One day he came to me with a plan to raise a troll assassin from the dead. At first, I didn't want to go but after all he has done for me, I figured that it was the least I could do. The journey was hard and long but it was all over, I gained a really really good friend. Angor Rot wasn't as bad as I thought. He taught me how to fight and protect myself as well as listen to me and give advice when needed.  After weeks of getting to know each other, he has become like a father to me. Then Angor surprised me with the greatest gift that I have ever received.

After a long day of school, I come back to Strickler's house (A/N- (Y/N) has been staying at Strickler's house instead of going home) to find 2 notes on the kitchen table. I picked up the first one and read it aloud.

                Dear (Y/N),

       I'm not going to be home till tomorrow. Duty calls. There is leftover (F/Food) (favorite food) in the fridge. Jim keeps trying to get ahold of you. I understand what happened but I really think you should talk to him and make things right. Talk to you tomorrow


                             Walter Strickler

          P.S. Do not go hang out with Angor Rot.

I chuckle as I read the last part of the note. Picking up the 2nd note, I read it aloud.


Meet me at Bular's cave


I set down my backpack and quickly make as well as eat (F/Food). Then I sprint all the way to Bular's cave.

"Angor," I call out breathlessly. "I'm here, what did..." I stopped, frozen in my tracks to see 2 familiar red eyes staring back at me. Out of the shadows walks Bular big toothy grin on his face.

"Hello my queen" Bular says in his low, rough voice. Tears spill from my eyes as I run into his arms giving him a massive hug. He laughs and hugs me back.

"H-how can you be back? I thought..." I pause as I look up to see Angor stepping out of the shadows with a smirk on his face. "Thank you. Thank you so much. There must be something i can do to repay you." He pauses before answering.

"Stricklander still has my ring. If you could get it back for me, that would be more than enough. However, it will not be easy and I know how strong your bond with the changeling has grown. So understand if you decide not to go through with it." Angor said crossing his arms I look at Bular then back at Angor.

End Flashback

I open my eyes take a shaky inhale breath. Its now or never I think to my self. Slowly, I open the door wide enough for me to wheezle my way in. Once inside, I tip-toe over to his desk trying to make no noise whatsoever. I make it to the desk and look for the Inferna Copula. I spot it on Stricklers right hand pointer finger. Gently I remove the ring ring from his finger and sneak out with little to no sound.


I walk up to Bulars cave to find both Bular and Angor waiting anxiously Angor eyed me nervously. I smile and reach into my pocket and pull out the ring. Holding out the ring to him and say

"Here you go. I hope this will cover it." His eye widen and he steps forward taking the ring from me.

"Yes," He chuckles. "Yes it will. Thank you." Angor pauses. "I have some business  I need to take care of. I'll leave you alone." With that, he disappears into the night. After he has fully disappeared into to darkness of the shady trees, I turn to face Bular. We bring our heads forward so our foreheads touch. I close my eyes and sigh in content.

"You have had a long night and day my queen. Come with me. We will rest together once again." Bular's deep voice rumbles causing me to blush.

"I'd like that very much my king."


(843 words)


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