Yandere Skrael x Reader (Part 2) (Request)

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Thank you so much for requesting this.

TW= kidnapping, freezing

A/N- yall, I had no idea how much yall love Skrael. I will definatly make more storys about him lol

(Y/N) P.O.V.


Everything is cold. 

No motter how I roll in bed, no matter how many blakets are pilled on top of me, no matter how hard I try. All I feel is cold.

I have been trapped in the same room for What seems to be forever (A/N- a week or so). It's not a very interestiong room. Average size, floor make of uneven stone, walls and ceiling made of ice, and a (soft or hard)(A/N- based upon your preferance) matris with some blanets and pillows on it. The only sourse of light being a small hand-held lamp. Every once and a while food will magically apear beside my pillows. The near scilence is disheartening and  solitude unbarible. Due to the tempature, my body grows weaker and weaker by the second. The first fews days I was able to walk around but slowly after I have had to limit my movement to conserve energy. But there is no use crying cause I risk freezing my eyes shut and tear drops freezing to my skin. 

Curling my body tighter into a ball under the covers and squeezing my eyes shut, I wish for something to happen. Anything.

Involuntarily a tear slips from my eye. But before it has time to freeze, a soft hand rests upon my cheek and wipes it away. As shocked as I am, I can't nring myself to act fast. Too weak. Tiredly, I open my eyes to gaze up at thefigure looming over me. 

It was him. He is standing there above me. Looking down at me. Skrael's face was twisted into a warm, even loving, smile.

"Hello my perfect little snowflake." He lowers himself to kneel beside my figure then lifts the blanket just enougj to crawl under it to lay beside me. Once he does he stays absolutly still, not advancing towards or withdrawing from me. I look at him as he stares up at the ceiling. He expression is almost... sad, lonely, defeated? I can't really tell but it is definatly one of those three. I reach out my hand and grab his causing his head to turns to me. Teeth shattering and limbs shaking, slowly I scootch closer to him and cuddle into him. Skrael beams with excitment and immediatly does the same. Although he is definatly not warm, Skrael is not as cold as I feel. Noticing my shivering he holds me as close as he possibly can. 

"I know, my love." He whispers in my ear. Skrael reaches into his pocket and seemingly pulls something out. "I have something for you." He reveals a golden ring with a (F/C) inscription on the inside.

"This is what you humans call a promise ring. With this ring I promise to love, shelter, protect and adore you for the rest of eternity. In return, you must promise to love me and never ever leave me." I nod weakly.  With a  huge smile on his face, Skrael takes the ring  and puts it on my finger. A warmth suddenly spreads across my entire body. I gasp causing Skrael to laugh. I sit up and look down at my hands, seeing them return to their natural coloration. I twist back to Skrael with the biggest smile on my face. He has a genuine look of love on his face. Starting to laugh, I flop back and cuddle back into him once again. He then does the same. We stay like this for hours talking, cuddling and just being in each others presence. After some comfortable silence Skrael floats to his feet, bringing me with him. 

"Lets go home." He then picks me up bridal style and  nods his head. Within seconds the walls and ceiling melt away. With the ice gone I can see that we are... ON THE TIP OF A MOUNTAIN!!! Skrael blew cold air on my face to get my attention back. Giggling, I look back at him. "Lets go home, my snowflake." Skrael float us into the beautiful night sky.

We are off to start our new life in our new home.


(711 words)


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