Trollhunter's x Platonic Reader (Request)

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A/N- This is a Christmas based special

Happy Holidays. For all those that celebrate it, Merry Christmas!! 

(Y/N) P.O.V.

Winter. The holiday season. Christmas. One of the busiest times of the year. Today is Christmas eve and I'm planning the best party ever. It all started about 2 weeks ago...


We were all sitting in the library talking, making jokes and having fun with each other.

"And that's when miss Janet said the if he felt so entitled, then Steve should wear the dress!" Claire says and everyone burst out laughing.

"Steve in a dress!" Toby clinches his stomach from laughing so hard.

"This boy sounds to be quite the trouble to deal with." Blinky states chuckling.

"Eh, he's normally not too bad. It just gets worse this time of year with the holidays and all. He just wants us to start our break miserable to make himself feel better." I say as I readjust my seating to lean on Draals arm.

"Holidays? What holidays?" Aaarrrgghh asks causing Toby to gasp.

"You know... like Christmas..." Jim tries to help them but fails.

"What are these holidays you speak of?" Draal asks roughly.

"They are a special time of the year where we celebrate and spend time with our loved ones." I say. "Every family has different traditions for the holidays but some we all participate in like setting up a Christmas tree or singing carols."

"Fascinating! I would very much like to participate in this Christmas." Aaarrrgghh nods in agreement to Blinkys statement.

"Wait why don't we all spend Christmas together?" Claire suggests.

"That's a great idea Claire. My mom is working this holiday so I'm free to come." Jim says the looks over at Toby.

"Nana doesn't like staying up too late or getting up early so me and Aaarrrgghh can make it."

"My family is out of town." I say quickly.

"My parents are too." Claire exclaims.

"Looks like it is all set then. We will have a Christmas celebration here in the library." Blinky says excitedly.


End flashback

And of course, Someone had to plan it. Jim couldn't do it 'cause he's... well the trollhunter and never has the time. Claire has to take care of Notenrique and keep up on her schoolwork and to be got sick for a week or so. So it's left up to me.

I have it all planned out. We are going to set up and decorate a Christmas tree, eat a Christmas dinner together, and to top off the night tell classic Christmas stories. In terms of Christmas gifts, we are doing a Secret Santa. I drew Toby's name.

I have everything prepared. I had Draal help me haul decorations and a tree down into the library and I have everyone bringing one dish for the dinner. Everything is in place. And it's finally Christmas Eve so it's time to get this show on the road.

"So let me get this straight, you have a celebration on the day before and the day of Christmas? So two days?" Draal asks Jim as they are the first two (other than me and Blinky) to arrive.

"Yeah." Jim responds sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. He then takes his dish and places it on the nearby table. Shortly after the others arrive. Claire had brought Notenrique along, which is fine.

"All right everyone let's get this holiday party started!" I exclaimed and everyone cheers. "So first we're going to decorate a Christmas tree." I gestured to the tall tree in the centre of the room. I grab the boxes of ornaments and open them up so everyone can get some. Everyone starts to decorate. But of course not everything is going according to plan. Our big green friend starts eating the ornaments and Draal keeps breaking them. I think its fun for him. But we laughed about it and the trolls actually find their own ornaments to put on the tree. Draal brought some weapons like throwing stars and daggers while Blinky put some books on the tree. Aaarrrgghh found some trash and rocks that he thought were pretty and put them on the tree.

Finally the tree is complete and it was time for our Christmas feast. Which also did not go as I planned. I'm not gonna get into it too much but long story short we got into a massive food fight. And not a surprise Notenrique started it. While the rest of the group was cleaning up the mess I grabbed some pizza from a nearby store that was surprisingly open. After that we spend the night telling stories and laughing and just spending time with each other.

"Thanks for the best Christmas Eve ever, everyone." I say smiling.

"Thank you for planning this awesome party (N/N)!" Jim says and the others join in on thanking me.

"Alright everyone it's time to get some shut eye. Santa's coming tonight and tomorrow we get to open our presents." Claire says. We also are good nights and lay to rest. As we all snuggle together in the library, i lay awake. I'm so happy that I get to spend the holidays with them. My family. I drift off to sleep, thinking about what fun we're going to have tomorrow. 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


(905 words)


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