Guzmán + Valerio | Danger vs. Safety

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It was your usual Friday night out. You were drinking, dancing, and having fun with your friends. It was supposed to be just you and your girls but you were bound to bump against others since you were at your regular club. Even though you hoped not to. It's not that you didn't like your other friends but lately, Guzmán and Valerio have been fighting a lot over you, which you were honored about but it became too much. So you needed to let go for a moment and not think about boys at all. In fact, every single guy that approached you was turned down immediately. 

"This one's going to be difficult to reject," Carla pointed towards Valerio, who was advancing with a smug grin.

"I cannot have a moment of peace, can I?" You sighed.

"Not our fault you seem to put a spell on every guy that sets eyes on you," Lu sounded jealous.

"Good evening, ladies!" Valerio greeted, "May I get you something to drink?"

"We're fine, you can go," Lu shot at him.

"I wasn't talking to you, dear sister," he didn't even spare a glance in her way.

"This is a girls' night," Carla added.

"In this case, I could be your personal stripper," he wiggled his eyebrows at you.

You burst out laughing then gave an apologetic look at the two girls and left with Valerio.

"I can't stay long though, they will kill me."

"I won't keep you much," he smiled down at you, "I just wanted to ask something. Can we go someplace quieter?"

You nodded and he led you to his usual room. He lit up a cigarette and sat on the couch.

"Live a little! You need some excitement in your life," his eyes sparkled, "And luckily for you, I am a thrill expert."

"Then show me."

He bent on the table and sniffed a line then pointed towards you, "Now it's your turn."

You hesitated but did it. From there, things escalated pretty quickly. Valerio asked for a striptease and you gladly obliged, dancing your way onto his lap. You let out a small shriek followed by a giggle when he ripped the last piece of clothing you had on and attacked your neck with wet kisses.

"We made some nice memories here, didn't we?" He smirked, knowing exactly that you were thinking about your first night together.

Your cheeks reddened, "What did you want to talk about?"

"About us."

"Valerio," you huffed, "I already told you I need time. I don't know what I want and I don't want to hurt anyone."

"But you can't deny the attraction between us," he stood in front of you.

"I'm not denying anything."

He pressed you closer to his body, "Then let Guzmán go and be mine."

"You know I hate it when people pressure me, so don't do it."

You exited the room and cursed as your eyes met those of Guzmán. He looked between you and a grinning Valerio, who put his arm around your waist. You swatted his arm away and hurried after Guzmán. You grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Nothing happened, we were just talking," you promised.

"This time," Valerio continued, "Usually that's where we fuck."

You didn't have time to react as Guzmán lunged at Valerio. He punched him twice before the latter fought back. You screamed for them to stop but they didn't hear you. So you decided to make yourself noticed. You grabbed a bottle of champagne from the first waiter that passed by and threw it hard on the floor. The glass shattered, champagne flooding around, and both boys stopped in their tracks. Scratch that, the whole room turned to stare at you.

"I am sick and tired of you two acting like children! I can't keep you from hurting each other every time and I can't choose one of you! I'm done and it's for the better. I don't want anything to do with neither of you," your eyes were blurred by tears.

Valerio tried to approach you but you pushed him away, "Leave me alone!"

He looked down and you noticed his red eyes. It hurt you to know that you had caused him pain but it was for the best. He stepped backward then turned around and rushed away.

Then your eyes met Guzmán's, "You too."

You were the one to break the gaze and flee the scene. You needed air. You stumbled out of the club in tears and wavered a few steps down the road. You leaned on the wall and took a deep breath trying to calm down. Only then you noticed a sting in your hand and looking down at it, you realized you cut yourself, and of course, you had also stained your dress with blood. You growled in annoyance and more tears rolled down your cheeks out of frustration. 

"Here you are," Guzmán took your hand and placed a wet cloth around it, keeping pressure on the wound, "Let me help you then I'll go."

You tried to blink the tears away but with him there, it was even harder. Whereas you had slept with Valerio on multiple occasions, you only shared a kiss with Guzmán. But it was one you were sure you'd remember for the rest of your life.

You were walking in the rain after a fight with your parents. You didn't mind the wet clothes and hair. Instead, you enjoyed the cold drops that fell from the sky. You heard him before you saw him. He called your name as he got out of the car and offered a ride but you declined. He informed the chauffeur he'd stay with you and you both walked in silence side by side, hands brushing against each other every now and then. He didn't pressure you to talk about it because he knew you'll tell him when you're ready. He did, however, engulf you in a big hug, and you relished in his touch. You looked at him under your lashes and even with a red nose and smudged mascara he told you you're beautiful. You stood on your tiptoes and brushed your lips against his so slowly that you almost didn't feel it. Guzmán intertwined his fingers with yours and brought your body closed to his. Wet clothes stuck together and you felt the warmth spread from his body to yours. As you both leaned in, your eyes fluttered close and your lips met. It was sweet and gentle but it became more passionate when he lifted you off the ground.

At your pleading, Guzmán left you alone after kissing your head. You believed you did the right thing. Because of your confusing feelings towards both him and Valerio, it was better to let them go before they killed each other. You couldn't lead them along because you couldn't decide who you wanted the most. With Valerio, you felt free, like you didn't have a care in the world. When you were with him, the adrenaline was always pumping in your veins and the excitement never ended. He radiated that feeling of danger that charmed you and made you want more. Whereas with Guzmán it was the opposite. You felt like you were put on a pedestal and everything he did, revolved around you. His arms gave you that sense of safety that you only read about in books. The two boys gave you the two things you yearned for but separately and you didn't know which one you preferred — danger or safety?

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