Polo | Worth More

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Marina won the prize, and yes, you were jealous since you had worked harder than her and deserved it more. If it would have been Lucrecia the one to beat you, you would have probably understood. But Marina, you just couldn't stand losing to her.

"I can't believe it!" Lu grunted, crossing her arms in front of her chest, "I mean how is it possible? And to think I was worried about Nadia!"

A dry laugh escaped your lips, "Neither can I."

But you tried to have fun; you danced and twirled around in your beautiful dress with almost everyone, but mostly you danced with Lu and Carla, and you even shared a dance with Samuel. 

You avoided dancing near or bumping into Marina, but thankfully you didn't see her at all after a while

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You avoided dancing near or bumping into Marina, but thankfully you didn't see her at all after a while.

You sensed something was off when you saw Samuel come from the swimming pool area frowning, Carla whispering to Polo and him going towards where the scholarship boy had come. You tried stopping Samuel, but he headed straight for Guzmán.

"She won't listen to me! Do something, you're her brother!"

You didn't know everything, but you knew the redhead wanted to leave town with Samuel's older brother, whose child she was carrying, and that she had something Carla absolutely wanted. It must have been something very important because the blonde had threatened her a few times. But it seemed it had been in vain, because she evidently hadn't given it back yet. You wondered what it was and why it was so relevant. You also knew Carla easily manipulated Polo and that he would have done anything for her. Even if it meant killing. Suddenly fear crept into your mind and you turned around, your eyes searching for Marina and Polo. But neither one was in sight and you broke into a run towards the swimming pool, pushing people out of your way. You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw Polo's raised arm, ready to hit the back of Marina's head with the trophy. And then you screamed.


Their heads whipped in your direction; Marina's face showing confusion, whereas Polo's showing fear. He dropped the trophy, gaining the girl's attention, and stumbled back.

"Were you going to hit me with that?"

You quickly made your way to him, the click of your heels echoing. Polo opened his mouth but nothing came out of it and he closed it. He started to shook slightly and you intertwined your fingers with his, and put your hand on his forearm, your grip holding tight to him.

"I just need the watch," he whispered.

"So Carla sent you do to her dirty work," the redhead exclaimed, "how typical of her!"

She was right, but your priority right then was to get Polo away.

"You were going to kill me for that fucking watch!"

Polo shuddered and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

"He what?!" Nano strode over, towering above Polo.

But you stepped in front of him, "Nothing happened."

"He almost killed me!"

"But he didn't," you said through gritted teeth, "If you'd have just given back that damned watch, we wouldn't be here right now."

Nano pushed you to the side and you tripped and fell. Then he punched Polo, who fell on the ground too, and was about to hit him again, but you hopped back on your feet in time and pushed him into the pool. Marina marched towards you but you didn't even let her come close and slapped her hard.

"Personally, I don't care about the watch; take it, take your fucking boyfriend and leave. None of you says anything about what happened and you," you raised your finger in front of a dripping wet Nano, "you won't touch Polo ever again. Cross me and you're going down."


Polo sat on the edge of the bed, his elbows on his knees and his head down. You took your heels off, feeling the cold tiles under the soles of your feet. The house was silent, and hopefully his mothers weren't home. You walked into the kitchen, took a glass and filled it with water then brought it to Polo in his room. He took it and sipped a bit, then set it on the nightstand. You crouched  down in front of him and took his hands in yours.

"Are you okay?" you asked gently, but he just shook his head, "Polo, please, look at me." You waited for him to look up and stared into those bright blue eyes, "Everything is alright, don't worry."

"What if you didn't stop me?" He asked and his eye filled with tears, "I almost killed my best friend's sister."

"But you didn't," you caressed his cheek, "we both know that if it wasn't for Carla, you wouldn't even have gone after Marina. And please don't say you did it because you love her."

It hurt you to know how much he cared for the marchioness. You hoped he would realize that she was treating him badly, and eventually leave her. Yes, it was selfish, but you wanted him to realize that you cared more for him than she ever did.

"Polo you're a good guy. It's just that your infatuation with Carla allows her to get under your skin and manipulate you. You need to see that, you need to understand that she's using you."

"But it's always been her and I," he took a deep breath and his voice lowered to almost an whisper, "I'm nothing without her."

This conversation was killing you. You wanted him to see what was in front of him right there right then, but he seemed to cannot let go of his ex lover. You were losing your hope, feeling your heart slowly break in two, and you blinked away your tears, "Don't ever say that again. No matter what Carla or even your mothers say, know that you matter. You are worth more than you give yourself credit for."

He got up and pulled you up with him, "Thank you, y/n. Thank you for everything," he hugged you then held you by the arms and looked you up and down, "Has anyone told you how beautiful you look tonight?"

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