Polo | Choose You

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You didn't like the friendship between Polo and Cayetana, needless to say, you hated her guts. You were jealous, you managed to catch Polo's attention after he broke up with Carla and the arrival of the new student wasn't welcomed by you because she seemed to have taken an interest in the one guy that you wanted. And this time you were going to fight for him.

You arrived fashionably late at the red party organized by Valerio and confidently walked in the club, finding your friends, Lucrecia and Carla. You complimented each other on your looks. You had a tight red dress that displayed your body and made you feel like a heartbreaker.

Only when you were finished with them did you notice Cayetana standing beside them awkwardly

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Only when you were finished with them did you notice Cayetana standing beside them awkwardly. You put on a fake smile and greeted her too then poured yourself a glass of champagne. You were welcomed by some of your other friends like Valerio himself, whom you complimented on the party. When you saw Polo approaching, you smiled brighter but it turned into a frown when you saw Cayetana wave at him enthusiastically and him smiling at her. You quickly covered your frown with another fake smile as he greeted the other female first and then you and the other two.

"May I steal y/n for a moment?" A large hand was placed on your lower back, "These fake smiles don't fit you, muñeca."

"Is that all you wanted, Valerio?" You suppressed a sigh as he guided you to the bar.

"I just wanted to give you a little advice," he held out two fingers for the barista to see, "If you want to get the guy, you have to be more aggressive."

"Do you mean like punch her in the face or humiliate her in front of everyone?" You downed the shot he passed.

"Whatever you prefer," he ordered other two shots, "But you better get on with it because shes's already got her hands on him."

He nodded towards the other end of the bar where Cayetana and Polo stood talking and smiling. You noticed that Polo paid for the bottle of champagne that she was supposed to buy and again you frowned.

Valerio nudged you with the small glass of shot, "Stop frowning and smile if you want him to fall in love with you."

"Sometimes I hate you," you downed the shots together, "but I'm so glad you're back home."

You kissed his cheek and made your way back to the girls' table. Lucrecia held out another glass of champagne for you but you knocked it out of her hand on purpose, spilling the drink all over Cayetana.

"Oh god," you faked, "I'm so sorry. Although it shouldn't be a problem, it's just another reason to buy a new dress."

She seemed anxious and run to the bathroom murmuring to herself.

"You did that intentionally," Lu sipped her drink with a smug smile plastered on her face.

You just shrugged your shoulders and copied her actions, the same smirk on your face. With Cayetana occupied for a while, you went looking for Polo. You spotted him leaning on the bar and talking to some friends. You made your way towards him swaying your hips and when you made eye contact, you flashed a wide smile. He wrapped an arm around your waist as he pulled you closer and you batted your eyelashes at him, indifferent to the way the eyes of the boys he was talking to lingered on your body. Polo, and only him, had your absolute attention. The closeness of your bodies together affected you more than it seemed to affect him and it was driving you crazy.

"Dance with me," you purred in his ear, lips ghosting over his earlobe.

He dismissed his friends and led you into the middle of the dance floor. You danced a few songs, body pressed together and eyes boring into one other before you were interrupted.

"Here you are!" Cayetana grinned when Polo put some distance between you.

She came with Lu and Carla, not allowing you the moments alone with Polo you were craving for. You tried playing it nice, subtly taking Polo's hand in yours while dancing or swinging your body closer to his, but everything you did, she did too. To the two girls not involved in the feud, it was amusing. And before you snapped you spotted Valerio. You grabbed his arm and dragged him to the spot where you were dancing. You looked at him with pleading eyes before nodding towards Cayetana. He understood and approached the girl in question and not accepting a no to whatever he offered to her he dragged her away from the group. Quite literally. Carla and Lu excused themselves to the bathroom and you were finally left alone with Polo.

" I need some fresh air, do you mind keeping me company?"

"Of course," Polo intertwined your hands and led you outside the club.

Both of you breathed in deeply but not even a minute later you shivered. He noticed and, being the gentleman he was, he put his blazer over your shoulders. You thanked him. Thanks to the alcohol in your system, you had a lot more courage and the question left your lips before you could think twice.

"Do you like me?"

He was taken aback, "Well, yes." He scratched the back of his head. He was clearly embarrassed or uncomfortable but you couldn't tell which.

"Do you like Cayetana?" This time you squinted your eyes at him when he hesitated. "Do you like her, Polo?"

"Yes," he mumbled, looking at the ground.

You felt the familiar sting in your eyes alarming you that tears were about to fall but instead of being sad you became angry. You shoved his blazer to his chest and stormed inside. You grabbed a drink from someone's hand and ignored their protests. You looked around for the spiteful blonde and when you spotted her, you marched over. Not wasting a moment, you threw the contents of the glass you were holding so tight at her face. You turned on your heels, head held high, and took off. You didn't get far away that someone gripped your arm abruptly and turned you on the spot. You lost balance and collided with a hard chest. You looked up and Polo pressed his lips to yours taking your breath away.

"If I have to choose between you and her," he licked his lips, "I choose you without a doubt."

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