Gárcia Brothers | Not Anymore

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It all happened so quickly you didn't realize.

You followed Polo and watched from afar how he tried to get back the watch from Marina. But when she ignored him and turned, in a fit of rage he grabbed the trophy and hit her in the head. You let out a loud gasp and run towards the girl. She swung a bit and you grabbed her, holding her when her knees gave out. You screamed at Polo for help, but he just stared. She was bleeding hard and her breathing was slowing. You shouted at Polo to go get help. Before leaving he took the watch from Marina's hand.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god," you panicked as Marina's eyes closed, "Stay with me Marina, Polo's getting help. Please don't die on me! Polo hurry up! Someone help me!"

You were shaking, tears fell incontrollably and you had Marina's blood all over your shirt and hands. You saw a figure and thought it was Polo, but when you looked up the image of your twin brother, Samuel, became clearer as he approached. He dropped near you and took Marina's body in his arms, starting to cry, "What did you do?!"

You shook your head, "I-I... No... I didn't..." You couldn't speak, but you backed from him. He has never looked at you that way. It scared you and you wanted to tell him what really happened but the police showed up and he began screaming, "She killed her! She killed Marina!"

In a matter of seconds police officers were pulling you up and handcuffing you, meanwhile doctors were rushing to Marina's side. But it was too late, the girl was already dead.

While they were leading you to the police car, you saw Carla. She stood tall and her face was expressionless, but she she swiftly shook her head and you understood. You had to be quiet.

At the police station, the inspector was interrogating you when you heard your other brother, Nano, burst thought the door and slammed his hands on the table in front of you. You flinched, and more tears started to fall. You loved both your brothers to the moon and back and you knew they both loved Marina, so you could only imagine in what pain they must be right now.

"How could you?!" he screamed and you closed your eyes, shaking your head, "How could you kill her?! The girl I loved! And she was pregnant! How could you do this?! How could you kill someone?"

Nano had only screamed at you once before, and you remeber exactly why. You had risked your life: you had gotten drunk and then almost got yourself killed riding his motorbike. He screamed at you for being stupid, he screamed at Samuel for letting you out of his sight and he almost beat the shit out of Christian for letting you get on that bike. He had punished you for a whole month, and he revealed after that you had scared the hell out of him. That month one of them was always with you. The only time you were alone were when you needed to use the bathroom. You weren't even allowed to sleep alone since your mother decided it was better if she stayed with you just in case you got the idea of leaving the house during the night. At first you were angry with them, but you realized that they were doing what they thought was best for you because they loved you.

But right now Nano's face was red with rage, not worry. And you were scared. Not because you would go to prison because you knew Carla and Polo would help you just so you'd keep their secret, but because you knew that secret was going to cost you the most important thing in the world: your family.

Two police officers took Nano away and the inspecton let your mother come in. She had red eyes and was wiping tears away, "Baby, y/n, just tell me what happened. I — we need to know what exactly happened."

"I didn't kill her, mum. I didn't. Please believe me!" you pleaded, holding on to you mother's hands, "I-I found her... I don't know what happened."

"Look at me and tell me everything." She tugged at your hands, but you could't look her in the eyes and lie to her., "Babygirl, look at me."

You shook your head, "I didn't kill her."

Your mother let go of your hands and slowly raised from the chair, then she bolted for the door and left without another word. Your heart broke; if your own mother didn't believe you, who would?

"Y/n," the inspector began, "you were found by your brother near the dead body of Marina Osuna Nunier and you were covered in her blood. Therefore you are accused of her assasination. These accusation are based on various testimonies. Witnesses say that you had many reasons: you were jealous of Marina because she became more important than you to both your brothers; you were mad at her for playing with Samuel's feelings and for wanting to escape with Nano, and thus taking him away from you for good; you have a crush on her brother, Guzman, and she made fun of you; and finally, you hated her for winning the scholarship instead of you."

Maybe those things were true, the last one not so much, but you would have never done something like that. You weren't capable of such terrible things. But no one seemed to believe you. As you were led to a cell, you passed your brothers, and you whispered, "I didn't kill her."

"I hate you," was Samuel's response, "You're dead to me from now on. You're not my — our sister. Not anymore."

Looking you straight in the eyes, Nano said, "I wish you had died that day."

You felt your heart being ripped from your chest, your breath caught and you couldn't breathe. As the bars closed behind you, you broke down.

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