Valerio | Born Ready

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A/N: This imagine contains explicit sexual content.


"What took you so long?" Valerio asked as you climbed in his car.

You pecked his lips, "Rebeca had something to give me."

You winked and wiggled a small plastic bag in front of his face.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" He kissed you and tried to grab the bag from you.

You pulled back your hand and smiled against his lips, "I'll hold on to this until later."

He drove around for a while and you talked about your day. You picked up some snacks from a gas station then he drove you to a secluded place just outside of Madrid. It was a hill overlooking the city in the distance. It was nice and no one else was around. It was your spot away from the prying eyes. You parked the car and leaned on its hood, leaving the doors open so you could listen to music while munching on the snacks you bought and let time pass by. When the snacks were over Valerio started bugging you about the special treat you were saving.

"You'll have to earn it," you said in your sexiest voice.

In a matter of seconds, he lifted you on the hood of the car and was between your legs making out with you. His hands glided up your thighs under your skirt. He lowered himself in front of you and you leaned back on your elbows. He slid down your panties and put them in his pocket.

"I'll keep these as a reminder," he smirked.

His head vanished under your uniform skirt and his lips kissed the center of your core. You threw your head back as soon as he started licking your pussy. God, he knew what he was doing with that tongue. You fisted his curls with a hand when he started sucking your clit, driving you over the edge. You clenched your thighs together, trapping his head in between, as you climaxed. He kept on eating you out until you rode out your orgasm.

"Have I earned my reward, querida?"

Without a word you pulled out of your bra the plastic bag and handed it to him. He took it and kissed you gently. You tasted yourself on his lips. You pulled yourself together while he prepared two perfect lines of the magical powder, one line for each one of you.

"Ladies first."

You bent enough so the skirt exposed the bottom of your ass, knowing it'll drive him crazy. Before sniffing your line, you heard him take a sharp breath. Yes, he checked out your butt, just like you knew he would. You stood, turned on the spot battling your eyelashes at him and walked to your seat on the hood of the car. You didn't need to flirt with him anymore – he was already yours – but you loved to. It always affected him like the first time. When he was done he took his spot between your legs and placed his hands on your hips. For a few minutes, neither of you said anything. You traced with a finger all the features of his face, from his perfectly alined eyebrows over his nose and along his defined jaw. You wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him closer. He lowered his head and connected your lips. It started as a smooth and slow kiss but it quickly became rough and needy. Your hands moved from his cheeks to the back of his neck; his grip on you hardened. You could feel him grown in his pants and it only made you even more excited. 

You pulled his lower lip between your teeth and murmured, "I want you, Valerio. No, lo necesito."

He captured your lips again, kissing you passionately. You fumbled with his belt and in a swift motion pulled down his pants and underwear just enough to release his stiff member. You aligned him to your entrance and he pushed inside you with one deep thrust. Your walls clenched around him from the sudden intrusion but your body adjusted to his familiar dimension soon. He started moving and just like your kiss, from a slow and calculated pace, it grew into an animalistic one. When he hit a certain spot, your eyes rolled back and you saw stars. You saw the stars above you and realized how much this moment meant to you. If someone would have seen you, they would have thought you were just two horny kids fucking on the hood of a car at night because you had nowhere else to go. But in reality, this was so much more. You were with the boy you loved, in a place you loved under the sky full of stars. It was the most romantic date yet.

"Y/n..." His raspy voice brought you back and you looked him in the eyes.

"I love you," you mumbled the words as if they were one but he understood.

He started twitching inside you and you contracted your walls on purpose to make him come after, which he did. He emptied himself in your clenching mould, thrusting sloppily and circling a thumb on your clit until you reached your orgasm too.

With his dick still buried deep in you, he raised a hand to you your cheek, "And I love you, querida."

You leaned into his palm, your eyes fluttering shut. You literally just had sex but you could never get enough of his touch. It was everything you wanted: comforting and at the same time, it made you feel desired.

"Are you alright? You keep zoning out," he looked concerned.

"Yes, I was just thinking about us, how happy you make me," you replied with a smile.

"You make me the happiest," he gave your lips a light peck, "Now, are you ready for round two?"

You pushed him so he took a step back, jumped off the hood and turned, leaning on it instead. You looked back at him and wiggled your ass, "I was born ready."

As the words left your mouth, he shoved his cock into your pussy, taking you from behind and fucking you into oblivion.

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