Ander | I promise

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A/N: In this imagine Ander is straight.

Triggers: anxiety and panic attacks.


The nightmares were back. During the summer you managed to make them go away. You left the city and cut contact with all your friends sending a brief text to Guzmán that said:

"I'm sorry. I need time to myself. Tell the others, please."

They tried calling and texting, but you shut off your phone. You really needed time to think about what you witnessed. In time, you managed not to think about it and your anxiety calmed down. But now that you were back in the city, your anxiety was back too. You dreaded going back to Las Encinas. You were all silent and jumpy. Your friends noticed the change in your behavior and tried to understand what was going on with you but you shut them down. There was a particular boy that paid more attention to you and noticed how much you tensed every time Polo was near. For weeks he said nothing, just observed, but one day changed everything.


You lowered your head and rushed through scholars, clutching your books close to your chest.

"Y/N!" He managed to reach you and grab you by the elbow.

You jerked it back with such force that you stumbled back and dropped your books. You kneeled to pick them up and he helped you. You mumbled a quick thank you but he stopped you before you could leave.

"Y/n, please, can we talk?"

"No, now let me go."

"It's about what you saw."

Your head snapped up, "What?"

"Let's talk somewhere private."

You hesitated but agreed and that's how you ended on Ander's couch.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, watching you carefully.

"Fine. Just tell me what it is," you fidgeted with your hands.

"You don't look fine."

"Is this it? Can I go now?"

"No, that's not it," he breathed heavily, "Polo told me everything. He told me how he killed Marina. He told me you saw him. And I know that's why you changed so drastically."

You started trembling, "He knows?"

"Yes, he said he didn't understand why you didn't rat him out."

If he kept talking, you didn't hear him. You were having a panic attack. You suddenly couldn't see and breathe and all you could think about was if Polo was planning on killing you too.

"... breathe... please... at me... y/n..."

You felt him before seeing him through the tears. Ander was begging you to calm down all the while cupping your cheeks and stroking them with his thumbs. You grabbed his wrists with shaking hands and tried calming down. After a few minutes, you succeded.

"Thank you, Ander." You looked down embarrassed.

"Hey, hey, look at me. I don't know what you're going through right now but I promise I will help you get through it. And if you're scared that he's going to hurt you, well, it's not going to happen. I won't let him. I promise."

You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He held you close until you were the one to lean back. He walked you home and every day after that he picked you up and dropped you off. He helped you with panic attacks and he gradually got you to hang out more with your old group of friends. As he promised, he was always with you. He got you back on your feet. And as you grew closer, you developed feelings for him.

You just had a talk with Azucena about a make-up test and were walking to the library when you saw Polo, head down, walking towards you. Instinctively, you look for Ander but he was nowhere in sight and you could feel your heartbeat rise. The closer he got the more you struggled to stay focused. You leaned on the wall and took deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. But you couldn't close or tear your eyes off of him. When the looked up and saw you, he frowned. You knew he wouldn't hurt you. Ander had talked to him and he was nothing but understanding and always tried to stay away from you. But seeing you like that and alone, he just wanted to help you. After all, you had been good friends before the accident.

"Y/n, it's okay, please, calm down," he spoke softly, "I'm not going to hurt you."

You knew you were the one hurting him by reacting like that but you couldn't stop it. When you slid down the wall, he tried to support you but as his hands touched your shoulders, you screamed. He backed away holding his hands up and yelling at people to find and bring Ander to you. Your eyes were wide but you couldn't see what happened around you. All you could see was Marina falling to the ground and bleeding to death. Over and over again.

"... come on... focus... voice..."

You shut your eyes and focused on the voice. You recognized it. It was Ander's. You tried picturing his face but couldn't and you were scared of seeing Marina dead if you opened your eyes. You forced your mind to think about Ander. Ander, Ander, Ander.

"I'm here, I'm here, mi amor."

So you probably said it out loud.

"Open your eyes, y/n. Let me see those beautiful eyes."

You did as you were told. Even though your view was blurred, you made out Ander crouched in front of you, holding your face in his hands and a lot of people looking at you. Thankfully, the director shooed everyone to their respective classes, and you were left alone with the due mother and son.

"Do you think you can stand?"

You nodded and with his help, you stood on trembling legs. Azucena helped accompanied you to the bathroom to freshen up while Ander went to fetch a cup of tea. Back in the office, you sipped on your hot drink as she and her son exchanged a few words before leaving the two of you alone.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I–"

"It's not your fault, Ander. It's not Polo's fault either. He just tried to help, I'm sure. I'm sorry for making a scene."

"You don't have to be sorry about anything. You saw something traumatic and it's gonna take a while before you get over it but it's normal. You're allowed to feel the way that you do."

"Thank you for bringing me back. I don't think you realize how much you mean to me."

He smiled and your eyes fell to his lips for a split second. You blushed and the next moment Ander pressed his lips lightly on yours. Your eyelids closed and you gripped his chin, holding him in place to deepen the kiss. You broke apart smiling.

"I always keep my promises."

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