Ander | With You

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A/N: In this imagine Ander is straight.


You were currently at the family's charity gala. You were wearing a white long dress with a deep v decollete and decorated with pink flowers. Your hair was pinned up in a slightly messy lower bun with two thin strands of hair contouring your face, and you had opted for a nude make up.

 Your hair was pinned up in a slightly messy lower bun with two thin strands of hair contouring your face, and you had opted for a nude make up

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You were standing with Lucrecia, your brother Guzman and your parents, sipping champagne and occasionally nodding.

"Chica, who are you looking for?" Your best friend, Lu, whispered in your ear.

It was pointless to lie to her so you just shook you head. She could read you like an open book and in fact she was teasing you, knowing full well who you were desperate to see: Ander. It all stated a few months ago when one drunken kiss during a game of truth or dare had left you both wanting more. So a few days later, after thousands of stolen glances, the sexual tension was too much for both of you. You spent an entire afternoon in his bed. And that was the beginning of your relationship, based solely on sex. And no one except Lu knew; she had seen once a hickey Ander left on your inner thigh when you were changing. You couldn't be anything more because he was your brother's best friend, and Guzmán had specifically told you that you were not allowed to mess with his friends. And as much as you wanted more with Ander, you couldn't bring yourself between the two best friends. You knew Guzmán would make him choose only one Nunier Osuna, and you didn't want this: you didn't want to loose him and you you didn't want to be the reason their friendship ended.

"Stop messing with me, Lu! My brother will kill me if he finds out."

"If I find out what?" Guzmán asked from behind you.

You turned on your heels and froze; Ander was with him. Your eyes locked on his and you probably forgot how to breath. He was so handsome in that black suit and you imagined tearing it off of him.

"Earth to y/n!" He waved a hand in front of you.

"So what did you do that could possibly make me want to kill my own sister?"

You looked to Lu for help and thankfully she interfered, putting a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder, "She told me she had a crush on..." she bit her lip and you held your breath, "...Valerio."

You actually breathed out in relief, but the guys didn't seem so amused like Lu was.

"Stay away from him, he's no good for you." Guzmán and drank all his champagne.

"Your friends no, the new ones no, and now neither your girlfriend's brother... Do you want me to be single forever?" You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. The gesture highlighted your cleavage and Ander's eyes followed the outline of it. "And don't forget that you're together with my best friend."

Lu took her boyfriend away and you closed the distance between you and Ander.

"Meet me in the backyard in 5 minutes," you whispered and left him standing alone.

On your way to the backyard, you drank another glass of champagne, trying to calm your nerves. It was in vain, you wanted him badly. As soon as he approached you, you threw your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a much longed for kiss. But he hesitated.

"What's wrong?" You pulled apart, "If it's about what Lu said about me having a crush on Valerio, it's not true."

His grip on your waist was unusually lighter, "It's not that."

You stumbled two steps back and you felt your stomach turn over. You knew it was going to end sooner or later, but you didn't expect it to be this soon. Your lips parted as if to speak, but no word came out.

"I can't do this anymore," tears blurred your vision in an instant, "not like this. Y/N I can't keep sneaking around, stealing glances at you, staying silent when someone else flirts with you. I can't keep rushing when I'm with you. And I don't want to keep the secret from Guzmán anymore."

"I can't lose you..." You mumbled it twice, silently.

"You won't!" He cupped your face and smiled while wiping away your tears, "Hey, I'm not breaking up with you. All I'm saying is that I want it to be official."

"Guzmán will make you choose. He won't accept it, Ander."

"Have a little faith, he's your brother and my best friend. He wants the best for bot of us, and once he realizes we're perfectly happy together, he'll get over it," still holding your face, he pulled you closer and pressed his lips on yours in a chaste kiss, "I want to be with you. No matter what."

You closed your eyes and breathed in his scent. Still reluctant, you let him intertwine his hand with yours and lead you inside the gala. People were too busy to notice the two of you holding hands, and you were actually glad. A waiter offered you another glass of champagne, and you drowned yours in a gulp.

"Don't be so nervous," Ander chuckled and kissed the back of your hand, "No one's going to kill us, you know? The worst that can happen is Guzmán not talking to us for a few days."

You walked a bit further into the room, but when your brother's eyes set on the two of you, you froze. Ander was much more confident and pulled you closer by the waist, leaning down to whisper in your ear.

"I don't care what they think and neither should you. I've had a crush on you for too long and now that I finally have you I'm not letting go. You make me happy; the happier I've been in a long time. So, are you with me?"

You nodded, "I am, I'm with you."

You kissed slowly, savoring each other's taste, and not caring about the tantrum Guzmán was about to throw.

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