Guzmán | One Day

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You were currently in the Nunier's kitchen cooking lunch for you and your boyfriend. His parents weren't home and Marina was out with Samuel, and hopefully none of the mentioned came back early. You made a simple omelette, fast and easy.

"This is so good! Now I know that when I marry you, I'll always have good food waiting for me," he praised.

You coughed when you heard his words but smiled, "You know that this is a really basic omelette and I'm no Michelin-starred chef, right?"

"What I know is that you can cook and that's enough for me to want to marry you," he winked and finished his food.

When you finished too, he put the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned up, "See, I'd be a great husband too!"

"Okay, what's up with you and all these innuendos today?" you crossed your arms and lifted an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just saying we'll have a beautiful marriage," he smiled and pulled you towards him, "Don't get scared, I'm not going to propose right now."

"Or in the following years, because I will say no."

He faked offense but kissed you. He lifted you on the worktop of the kitchen and a sweet kiss turned into a full make out session. With your legs around his waist you pulled him closer to you, loving the heat radiating off his body. You broke apart only because you needed air. You stared into those beautiful blue eyes and caressed his cheeks. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered around like crazy. In fact, you were crazy about the boy. He took your hand and you followed him without asking where you were going. As long as you were with him, you could be anywhere. He led you to the pool in his garden, and started undressing.

"Guzmán, I don't have my swimsuit with me," you bit your lower lip, admiring his sculpted body.

"So? You can swim in your underwear," he grinned, "or naked. Whatever you prefer."

He smiled at you and dived into the water. You shook your head, but unbuttoned your shirt. You took off your shoes but before you unzipped your skirt, your cellphone ringed. You ignored it the first time, but when it ringed other three times you looked at the messages.

"Mi amor"

"I want you"

"So bad"

"Right now"

"What the fuck is that?" Guzmán was behind you, droplets of water falling from his hair on your shoulder, "Are you fucking with him too? First Carla and now you? Is he planning on sleeping with Lu too?"

"Guzmán, it's not like that." 

"So what it's like?" He was getting angrier, "That dude just texted you that he wants to fuck you! And from the way I see it, it wouldn't be the first time. That's fucking amazing!" He rushed inside the house and you sighed. Fucking Christian and his bad timing.

You went after Guzmán and headed straight for his room, but he wasn't there. You found him in the kitchen drinking whisky. He took a big gulp at the sight of you.

"I'm not fucking him," you slowly got closer to him, "I slept with him once. But it never happened again. It meant noth-"

You were interrupted by the glass hitting the wall and shattering into a hundred pieces.

"So you cheated on me!"

"No!" You walked towards him trying to avoid the fragments of glass, but stepped on one and cursed. You winced as you put your foot down, "Can you listen to me, please?"

"You're bleeding," he interrupted you, "don't move."

You looked down and saw a small puddle of blood under your foot. You were sure the cut wasn't that big, but it seemed like you were bleeding plenty.

He cleaned in a hurry, took you in his arms and set you down on the sofa. He wiped the blood with a clean cloth but you flinched.

"Try and stay still. I have to take the shard out."

He was gentle, holding on your foot lightly and trying not to hurt you. You were sure he felt guilty, but you didn't blame him for anything. You clenched your jaw while he took the piece of glass out of the sole of your foot but stayed still as he instructed. As he bandaged your foot you started talking.

"It happened a long time ago, before I got together with you, and even before his game with Carla started. I was sad and angry and he offered me a good time and well, I accepted. I thought that for some time I could clear the image of you and Lu fucking in the locker room from my mind. And at the moment it worked, but I promise you that was the only time I slept with him. I could never cheat on you, Guzmán."

"But what am I supposed to think when another man sends you these messages?"

"He's probably high or drunk or maybe both, I don't know. It's actually not the first time he texts me like this. But I never answer," you licked your lips and whispered, "nothing's worth losing you."

You held your breath until his gaze met yours, and you breathed out in relief. Your chest burned with the desire to tell him how you really felt for him. But you were afraid that you will scare him away. 

"I'm sorry," he took your hand and kissed the back of it.

You slipped your fingers in his still wet blonde hair, "It's not your fault. And I'm sorry too, I should have told you about Christian."

"No, I am so sorry for flipping out like that. I know I'm a lot to handle, and I hope you don't get tired of me, because I was serious earlier; I really hope one day we'll be married and have a family together. I want to get down on one knee in front of all our families and friends and I want to make you happy for the rest of your life. And I want a son and a daughter, or more, but I definitely want kids with you. I know we're young right now, but I'm just waiting for that day."

"One day," you rested your forehead against his, "I love you, Guzmán."

"I love you too, y/n."

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