Lucrecia | Taste You

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A/N: This imagine contains sexual explicit content.


"I got here as fast as I could," you breathed heavily as you approached your best friend, "What's wrong, Lu?"

She smiled that wicked smile, "I was lonely."

You sighed, "You didn't have to rush me then."

She sipped from her drink and looked in front of her, "You said I could count on you no matter what."

"And I mean it, Lu, but don't scare me next time."

She nodded, "We have the house all to ourselves, we have alcohol and I ordered sushi."

"Then let's party!"

Lucrecia downed her drink and followed you inside. Her house was like your second home, you and Lu have been friends for as long as you can remember. You knew everything about each other and were always there for one another. This means you knew about what happened with Valerio but not once did you judge her. There was only one small detail Lu didn't about you and that was that you actually loved her more than she could ever imagine.

Two hours later, music was blasting thought the house and you and Lu were dancing in your underwear, each with a bottle of champagne in hand. From time to time you would pop a roll of sushi in your mouth and chew on in moaning because of the delicious treat; it was your favorite food.

"Is that the present I got you for Christmas?" You asked your best friend, pulling the strap of her bra and letting it slap back. The set of lingerie looked amazing on her and you were proud of your choice.

She chuckled, nodded and did a twirl. Your eyes fell to her butt and you blushed when you realized you were checking out your best friend. It's not like you've never seen her in her underwear, but you never checked her out like that.

"I kept it for a special occasion," she winked.

"So, you're telling me you didn't seduce Guzmán or Valerio in this?"

"Exactly, it's like I'm a virgin right now," she laughed and you joined her.

You took a big gulp from your bottle and she mimicked your action. Then she stepped closer to you and took a strand of your hair, twirling it around her fingers, "You know, I am a virgin if we talk about girls."

"I could take care of that," you whispered as her body brushed across yours.

Her lips ghosted over yours, "That would be very much appreciated."

Then she pressed her lips to yours and you didn't hesitate to kiss her back. You grabbed her waist and pressed your bodies together. Her fingers locked in your hair and her mouth opened. You slipped your tongue inside her mouth, tasting her and brushing hers with it. When you pulled apart both of you were breathing heavily but she didn't waste any time in unclasping her bra and letting it fall. Your eyes widened and flickered between her perfectly round breasts to her mischievous eyes.

"Go on, touch me, y/n. Do your magic on me," she gripped your wrists and put your hands on her tits. You were about to protest but she continued, "I want this and you know you want it too."

You squeezed them and stepped forward, pushing Lu on the couch and kneeling in front of her. Your mouth attacked her left nipple, nibbling, licking and sucking. Your left hand was working on her other nipple, pinching, squeezing and rolling it between your thumb and middle finger. Lucrecia had her eyes shut and mouth half-opened, her breathing coming in sharp breaths. With your free hand, you reached between her legs and felt her already dripping wet. You grinned and pulled down her panties. You slid your middle finger between her folds, collecting moisture, then brought it to her lips. She hesitated but when you looked at her she closed her mouth around it, swirling her tongue around your finger.

"How do you taste?" you kissed her jaw and neck.

"Sweet," she muttered, "you should try it."

You spread her legs wider and kissed her inner thighs, teasing her. She shuddered when you pressed a kiss right above her clit. You pushed her legs up until her heels were on the sofa. You glanced at her again before licking her pussy. Your tongue between her folds then you sucked on them. You pushed a finger inside her watching her reaction. Her head rolled back and she drew in a sharp breath. You pulled out then slid a second finger, then a third. You moved them in and out of her slowly admiring her trembling body.

"More," Lu mumbled.

You pulled out completely and grinning as she whimpered, "I didn't hear you. Say it louder, Lu!"

"I want more! I want to cum," she breathed out more clearly.

You pumped two fingers in her hard and took her aching bundle in your mouth. She started moaning louder and her walls clenched around your fingers. But you stopped thrusting in her pussy and instead pushed one finger in her butthole. She gasped and you pulled it out only to thrust it back in when she relaxed. All the while you sucked on her clit. You knew she couldn't hold back anymore when her legs closed involuntarily, trapping your head between them, and all her body shook. Then she came hard, her scream muffled by her own hands pressed tightly on her mouth. Until her breath evened and her eyes fluttered open you stood still, staring at her.

You took off your panties and pushed her back on the sofa, then straddled one of her legs, grinding your pelvis into hers. You scissored her and played with your clit, trying to reach an orgasm faster. And you did reach it in time to orgasm together with her, your juices mixing with hers. You dropped beside her on the couch, both of you breathing heavily. Your eyes opened in surprise when Lu pushed one finger inside you and curled it. You looked at her as she brought it to her lips and licked it clean.

She smirked at you, "I wanted to taste you too."

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