Valerio | Jealous Much

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You were at a party with your friends

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You were at a party with your friends. You were dressed in a matching top and mini skirt and black high heels. You were on the dance floor swinging your hips on the beat when two hands grabbed your hips. You turned to see who was it and found yourself face to face with Yeray. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kept on dancing.

"You're so captivating when you dance," he complimented.

"Why thank you!"

"Would you like to drink something?"

"Yes, please!"

You intertwined your hands and he guided you through the crowd to the bar. He leaned on the counter and you leaned on him. He ordered for you and turned fully towards you, resting his back on the counter.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" You giggled.

"Not my intention, even though you seem pretty tipsy already," he put a strand of hair behind your ear.

You looked up at him then your eyes fell to his lips. Your moment was interrupted by the barista. Yeray gave you the drink and you sipped. For a guy who didn't drink he knew what was good.

"Can I steal her for a second?"

Both of you turned to see Valerio smiling down at you. You nodded and told Yeray to wait there. Valerio was one of your best friends and to be honest, you had a crush on him but for different reasons, you kept it to yourself.

"What is it?" You asked, sipping more of your drink.

"Is he bothering you? I can take care of him if you want me to," he declared.

"No, no," you interfered, "He's a nice guy, you know that."

"Yeah, but..." he lingered, "You come to me whatever you need, got it?"

"Yes, father, I will," you joked. You walked back to Yeray and took his hand in yours, "Let's go back dancing!"

You downed your drink and placed the glass on the counter then dragged him in the middle of the dance floor. You danced with him but felt someone's eyes on you. You looked around but didn't find anyone that seemed to be staring at you.

"Hoping to find someone?" Yeray questioned, trying to find what you were looking for.

You shook your head, "I just felt like someone was watching us."

He pulled you closer to him, "Let them watch."

You realized his gaze was on your lips. You hesitated but kissed him. Unlike you, he didn't wait to kiss you back. You opened your eyes and stared right at a scowling Valerio, who noticed and scurried away. You pulled apart from Yeray.

"I was hoping to take you out first, not that I mind kissing you," he said.

"I'm sorry," you blushed, "I tend to do stupid things when I'm drunk."

He frowned, "Was this a mistake?"

You looked behind him where you had seen Valerio then back at him, "I don't know."

And it was the truth. Yes, you had a crush on Valerio but Yeray was an amazing boy. You knew you wouldn't risk with him. When you rested your head on his chest, he hugged you. You danced like that for a few minutes.

"I'm so sorry, Yeray, but I need to find Valerio."

You hurried through the dancefloor pushing people out of your way and looking around for the curly head. He was nowhere in sight so you went to the room he sometimes hid away, usually to do drugs. You poked your head inside the room and he was alone on a red sofa, smoking a joint. You joined him and sat on his lap without saying anything. He took a drag of the blunt, turned your head towards his, and blew the smoke, which you inhaled, into your mouth, his lips grazing yours. Then he held out the joint and you took another puff. Both of you were silent until there was nothing left to smoke.

"Why are you here?" He was the first to break the comfortable silence.

"Because you're here," you answered as if it was obvious. But to him, it wasn't.

"So what? Yeray is out there."

You smirked, "Jealous much?"

You put your hands around his neck, ready to comment back on whatever snarky remark he would make. But you weren't ready for him to admit that, in fact, he was jealous.

"I don't want to see him touch, let alone kiss you. I don't want anyone to touch you for that matter. I want to be the one to touch you, to kiss you, to fuck you. I want to be one your heart skips a beat for; I want your knees to get weak because of me; I want to be the only one to please you," his grip on your hip tightened somewhere along the lines, "I want you to scream my name, Y/N."

With a fluttering heart and lust tingling in your whole body, you replied, "Well, then make me."

He pulled you closer to his body so there was no distance left in between and crushed his lips on yours. You tangled your fingers in his curls while your tongues battled for dominance. Valerio placed you on the sofa and got in between your legs, your skirt rode up in the process revealing just a little bit of what was underneath. His eyes shone with lust as his hands traveled along your body, setting you on fire. You moaned as his lips attacked your collarbone. But then he suddenly stopped.

"I don't want to lose you after this."

"Is this just meaningless sex to you?"

"No," he even shook his head, "I was serious before. I only want you for me."

"Then you won't lose me," you pulled him roughly back to you, "Now shut up and kiss me."

He kissed you and he did make you scream his name so loud that you were thankful for the blasting music downstairs that prevented the whole party from hearing you. Not that it mattered; you wanted people to know that he was finally yours.

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