Valerio | Last Chance

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You were heading to the bathroom when you saw it: your boyfriend kissing someone else. More precisely, his stepsister, whom you considered one of your best friends. Someone behind you made noise and they turned. Lu pulled away from Valerio and he stepped towards the door but you run away from him. You pushed people out of your way as you rushed to get as far away from them as possible. But you heard him calling your name, hot on your heels. You tripped and that made you slow down and he caught up with you. He grabbed your elbow but you turned around and slapped him. People were looking so you wrenched your arm out of his grip and walked away. Tears were blurring your eyes but you didn't let them fall until you were alone and were sure nobody would see you. You sat on the sidewalk and let the tears fall down your cheeks silently. You couldn't believe what you saw. It was impossible. Maybe if it would have been any other girl but she was his stepsister, for God's sake! And how could they do that to you? Was this the first time or had it happened before? They lived in the same house after all... A thousand doubts passed through your mind.

"Y/n, please let me explain," you heard Valerio from behind you.

You didn't speak because you knew your voice would betray you. He sat down next to you but you flinched away when he wanted to touch you. You couldn't look at him and you hated when people saw you cry.

"I'm sorry," he started, "I never wanted to hurt you. We were both on drugs and—"

"Would you have gone farther if you hadn't seen me?" At his silence, you scoffed, "What is wrong with you? You're stepsiblings for fuck's sake! I can't understand, I just can't! This is so messed up!" You threw your hands in the air and got up, "You already slept with you, didn't you?"

He looked at the pavement, "I don't want to lose you."

"You should have thought about it before fucking your sister."


"Y/n, we need to talk," Lucrecia stood in front of you.

"There's nothing to talk about," you spat and tried to step past her but she blocked your path.

"Of course, there is."

"Don't worry, I won't tell your secret but I don't want you or him to talk to me ever again."

"You have to listen to what I have to say," she looked around then went on, "It happened once. We were drunk and talking about fantasies and one thing led to another but we're very, very sorry. It meant nothing to us."

"Because you were not the one being cheated on," you replied, "I don't care how or why it happened. The fact is that it did and I can't just forget it. You both hurt me. Badly. Lu, I love him. We've been together for over two years, even going long distance. Now that I know he created with me being here, how can I know he didn't do it in Chile too?"

"He didn't," she reassured me.

"I don't trust you."

"Just talk to him," she pleaded, "he's been terrible."

She let you pass by and you hurried away. The next days you thought about talking to Valerio because he wasn't coming to school and Lu seemed always more stressed and tired. People saw the tension between you and her but both of you shut the discussion anytime they asked. You've had enough when Lucrecia skipped school too. After classes, you went to pay a visit to the stepsiblings. But you couldn't bring yourself to ring the bell. What if they were together again? What if you were stupid to think that they wanted you to forgive them? Just when you decided to leave, Mr. Montesinos came home and let you inside. You found Lu on the sofa reading a book. She looked surprised to see you.

"How are you?" You asked, "You weren't in class today."

"Heavy headache," she shrugged, "and I'm worried for Valerio. I don't want him to do anything stupid. He's in his room."

You nodded and made your way to his room. You knocked and waited for an answer. Then knocked again.

"Leave me alone, Lucrecia!" He shouted from the other side of the door, "I don't need a fucking babysitter!"

You opened the door and poked your head inside, "Not Lucrecia. Can I come in?"

"Y/n?" He looked shocked, "Yeah, yeah!"

You entered and closed the door behind you. You noticed the empty bottles by his bed and the smell in the room wasn't very pleasant. He noticed your eyes traveling around and your nose scrunching. You went an opened the window so fresh air could come in.

"I'm going to have a quick shower before talking if that's okay with you."

"Please do, you smell."

While he showered, you cleaned up a bit. He came back wearing only shorts, droplets of water falling from his damp hair.

"Put on a shirt, I can't focus."

He chuckled but obeyed. You sat next to him on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath.

"I will ask you something and I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me the truth," he nodded and you continued, "Lu told me it happened once because you both were drunk and  wanted to reenact your fantasies but why were you with her at the party?"

"I was on drugs."

"Look at me, Valerio, and tell me the entire truth."

"You know how I get when I'm on drugs and I saw some boy flirting with you and I got jealous because you seemed to enjoy his company. Then I saw Lu, she just got dumped by Guzmán, and I offered her a remedy to her pain at least for the moment. I had too much myself and I started to lose consciousness of what I was doing. The only thing I could see was you smiling at some other idiot that was not me and I started getting madder and she was there and I think I wanted to get back at you or something. I don't really know what I was thinking because I wasn't thinking clearly. But I regret it, every single thing I did to hurt you. I love you and you know it and I promise you that if you give me one more chance I will never hurt you again and I will quit doing drugs. But I need your help with that. Please, y/n, let me prove that I can change."

You stayed silent for a moment, "One last chance. You do something even a tiny bit wrong and I'm out of your life for good."

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