Ander | Big Brother

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You headed down the corridor with your head down, music blasting in your headphones. You didn't have any more chances to go unnoticed by your usual bullies. You had managed to avoid them in the morning, but now you were sure you'd find them in the school cafeteria. They were two girls and usually they didn't hit you, only pushing you around to make sure you couldn't tell anyone, but they spoke rude words to you and took your food and money whenever they wanted. You were too scared to stand up for yourself and nobody helped you either, because you had no friends to defend you and because you weren't the only one afraid of them. There were occasionally some girls that tried to comfort you after the bullying, but no one stopped her. And because of her you hated being an adolescent. If you could only have been braver.

"I'm talking to you, shorty," one bully turned you around and ripped off your headphones, "How dare you ignore me?"

"I-I'm... I'm not," you stuttered.

"For this you will give me your lunch today," she grinned, "And I see you've done your hair."

You just nodded your head and your blue pigtails and fringe bobbed

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You just nodded your head and your blue pigtails and fringe bobbed. You had pleaded your mother for weeks before she finally agreed and let you do it, thanks to, of course, the help of your big brother. With just four years apart, you were very close to Ander and you never lied to each other. But you didn't tell him about the bullying, you didn't want him to worry. You hoped they would eventually stop bothering you.

"Well, you look terrible," another laughed, "you look like an emo girl desperate for attention."

"I'm not looking for attention, I really liked the color," you replied in a low voice.

"Did you just talk back to me?" She squinted her eyes at you, but you looked at the floor and shook your head, "Oh, but you did. And now you lied to me." She shoved you hard towards her friend, who tripped you, and you stumbled back, then fell on your butt on the floor.

"Hey!" Both your heads snapped in the direction of the well known voice, "Leave her alone!" Ander strode over and helped you up then looked down at the girls who pushed you, "Who are you and who gave you permission to treat my sister like that?" He was angry and for once the bullies weren't the one to incur fear, but they were the one who were afraid.

"We were just talking..." One mumbled and the other nodded.

"Like that? I don't believe so. If I ever see you or hear that you just as much as looked in the wrong way at her, I'm going to show you what it's like to be treated the way you treated my sister. Am I understood?" The girls nodded frantically, but he wasn't happy with just that, "I didn't hear you."

"Yes, we understood," they answered in unison.

"Now disappear," they hurried away and he looked at the crowd of people around you, "The show is over, go to class," he turned his attention to you, "Are you okay, y/n?"

You nodded slightly, "What are you doing here?"

"You forgot you lunch at home and mum sent me," he handed you the tupperware he was holding, "Why didn't you tell me you were bullied?"

You shrugged, "I guess I didn't want you to worry. Or to cause a scene."

"But someone has to do something about it. How long has it been going on?"

"Since school started, but really Ander, I'm fine. They don't hit me."

"They don't need to be hitting you for it to be relevant. Bullying is never okay, you shouldn't suffer in silence. Did you tell anyone at all?" You shook your head, "Then I'm telling mom. She'll know what to do."

He hugged you and you thanked him for his concern and apologized for not telling him.

"No more secrets between us," he said.

"Well, I don't have any other secret, but I know there's something you're not telling me," you stated and for a fraction of second his eyes widened, "Recently you've been distant and more cautious. Maybe that's a reason too why I didn't tell you about my problem."

"I'm sorry," he took a deep breath, "want to get out of here?"

You grinned and for the first time ever you skipped your classes. Your brother took you to La Cabaña and ordered the best burger on the menu. He said this was his way of showing you that he was sorry for leaving you alone and that he cared about you.

"But you can't tell mum or she will kill both of us."

"I won't, I won't. Now, are you going to tell me your secret?"

"Look, y/n, this is a very hard topic for me. I don't know how to tell you, I don't want you to think differently of me," he scratched the back of his head, "I don't even know how to start."

"Are you doing drugs?"

"What? No! Why would you think that?"

"I don't see what you could do that could be as bad as you're trying to tell me it is. And doing drugs was the first thing that came to mind," you shrugged and sipped your orange juice, "But you aren't you said, so what is it?"

He opened his mouth to speak but the waiter came with your orders and your mouth watered at the sight of that delicious smelling hamburger. You took a deep sniff with your eyes closed and Ander smiled at you.

"Go on, try it."

You took a big bite and the explosion of flavors in you mouth made you moan. 

Ander laughed, "So how is it?"

"Best burger I've ever eaten," you answered with your mouth full, "We were saying, your secret?"

He swallowed the bite and sighed, then looked straight at you, "I'm gay."

"So?" He looked puzzled, he probably expected you to be angry or disappointed, "I don't see anything bad in that."

"Aren't you going to tell me 'it can't be' or that I'm stupid?"

"Why would I do that? Ander, this doesn't change anything. You're still the same guy to me, and I still love you, big brother."

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