Valerio | Pretty, Shy

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"I don't think it's a good idea, I'd better go home," you let go of his hand and backed away from the Montesinos' mansion.

Valerio was quick to catch your wrist and stopped you, "You have nothing to worry about, my father will love you."

"It's not your father I'm worried about."

"Lu will behave, and if not trust me she'll pay."

You swallowed the lump in your throat and followed him inside the house. He led you to the living room, where his family was chatting and drinking.

"Good evening everyone, I want you to meet someone," you stepped from behind him and waved, displaying a shy smile, "Family this is y/n, my girlfriend. Y/n, my father, step mother and half sister, whom you already know."

"Nice to see you again, y/n," Lucrecia raised her glass in greeting.

"Glad to meet you," his father said while his step mother just smiled, "Come have a glass of champagne with us, and you can tell us more about you."

Valerio put his hand on your lower back and you advanced towards the trio, feeling self conscious. You accepted the flute from Valerio as he took one for himself as well.

"So, y/n, how did you meet Valerio?" Mrs. Montesinos asked and Lu chuckled.

"We met in Las Encinas, I'm one of the students who received a scholarship," you answered honestly and sipped the bubbly beverage.

"Didn't you two actually met before? At the club, where you work at?" Lu questioned and your cheeks started to burn.

"It's right, she makes some delicious cocktails," your boyfriend came to your rescue, "but we didn't have the chance to talk. So, yeah, we got to know each other in school."

"So you study and work," his father stated and you nodded, "and you manage to handle my son. You could teach my children here a few things."

You broke into a smile and hid your reddened cheeks with your free hand. Lucrecia wasn't that impressed by that and was quick to make her remark.

"Why would I get my hands dirty when I can afford to go to school and anything else I want," she looked at her perfectly polished nails, "and let's not forget that Valerio is easy to bribe."

"I'm not!" Her half brother protested, "And of course you won't because you are just a spoiled little brat."

Her mother chastised both of them and the easiness that calmed you down a few minutes ago completely vanished. Again, you were feeling out of place, intrusive even. Thankfully, your boyfriend took your hands and, excusing both of you, led you to his room.

"Use protection kids!" His father shouted after you, and you went burning up ashamed again.

As you entered his room you dropped your head into your hands and groaned. Valerio grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the bed, where he sat down.

"I told you my father will love you," he grinned and kissed the back of both your hands, "how could he not? You're amazing; you gave me a reason to stay in Madrid. "

"What do you mean?" You asked, both concerned and confused.

"When my father will want to send me back to my mother, I will fight against it."

You cupped his cheeks and pecked him, "He won't send you back. You're become a better person, you said it yourself the other day, and he will see it too."

"I hope so," he grabbed your waist and pushed you on the bed, making you squeal, "I don't want to leave you."

He pressed his lips on yours and your hands locked into his curls. You kissed him back and gave him permission to invade your mouth. He moved on top of you, his thumb making circles on your hip. He pressed his body to yours more and you couldn't help but giggle when you noticed how excited the boy was becoming. He kissed your jaw once and attacked you neck and collarbone. He sucked on a spot and made you moan. Then you pushed him.

"What's wrong?" With furrowed brows he looked for a sign that you weren't comfortable.

"We can't," you whispered, bringing your breath rate to the normal.

"It's not like we didn't before," he sat down and pulled you in a sitting position too, with one hand holding yours and with one caressing your face, "What's wrong?"

"Your parents are home," you answered like it was the most obvious reason.

"And I thought I was doing something wrong!" He laughed, "You are unbelievable, y/n, it's not like they're going to see us or even hear us. This house is immense."

You were embarrassed by your shyness. You bit your lower lip and looked away, knowing full well your cheeks were flushed.

"You're so beautiful, and when you blush you're even cuter," he smiled and pinched your cheeks.

"Stop it!" You swatted his hands away.

You both laughed but were cut short by Lu's voice on the other side of the door.

"Try not to harass her in my home!"

"Fuck off, Lucrecia!" Valerio yelled back.

"And this is exactly why I didn't want to do it," you said.

"Yeah, sorry about that," he shook his head, "And I forgot you can get pretty loud sometimes."

"Valerio!" You smacked his shoulder twice, then hit him other three times with the pillow. He grabbed it from you and tossed it away, then attacked you by tickling you. You tried to wriggle free but you were laughing too much, "Mercy! Have mercy!"

He stopped but pinned your arms above your head, " I'm sorry, what did you say? I don't think I heard right."

"I said," you said slowly, "you are the worst!"

He tickled you once more until you were crying from all the laughing. When he decided it was enough he let go of you, and wiped your tears away, "Don't cry baby, we'll make love soon."

You hid your blushing face into your palms and rolled away from him. He hugged you from behind and pulled you back to him, "Don't hide from me, my pretty, shy girl."

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