Samuel | One More

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"Baby, I'm home!"

You hid the stick among the brushes in your drawer. Samuel didn't bother to look where you kept your makeup and stuff he didn't know what was for. It should be safe.

"Y/N?" He called you again.

You closed the bathroom door and went to welcome your boyfriend. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Food's ready."

"Great, I'm starving."

He changed into more comfortable clothes and you prepared the table. During dinner, you talked about your days and you made plans for the weekend. You didn't tell him about your recent discovery. You've been together for over two years and you knew you wanted to be with each other but you didn't talk about having a family yet. You didn't want to scare him away. But you didn't know how long you could keep a secret from him. You didn't want to keep secrets from him, you just needed to find the right time and way to tell him. 

"Are you feeling better?"

His question caught you off guard, "What?"

"These last few days, you haven't been so good; are you better now? Do we need to go to the doctor?"

"Oh no, don't worry, it was probably my lactose intolerance. I'm alright," you put the plates in the dishwasher.

He hugged you from behind, "Well, if you're good now..."

He bit your earlobe and you whined his name. You knew where this was leading. You gave him access to your neck and he started peppering you with wet kisses. Those kisses made you go crazy. You turned in his arms and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Eager much?" He chuckled.

"Yes," you ripped open his shirt, "I want you to make love to me."


It was a Sunday morning and you were lying in bed, your head on Samuel's chest, and he was playing with your hair.

"Have you ever thought about having a family with me?" You found the courage to utter.

"Yes, I'm sure one day I want you to be my wife and have children with you," he kissed the top of your head, "But we still have time."

You nodded but didn't add anything. He wanted this but not right now, he said one day. This meant he wasn't ready and if he wasn't, neither were you.

"I'm going to make dinner," he said, "do you want anything specific?"

"I'm craving baked potatoes," your mouth watered just at the mention of it.

He got up but you stayed in bed a little longer. You wouldn't admit it to him but you felt a little dizzy. You needed to tell him because one way or another he was going to find out. Morning sickness was impossible to cover up when he was home or when he left late for work. And sooner or later your belly would start to show up.

"Babe, where are the band-aids?" He called from the kitchen.

"Bathroom," you got up from the bed very slowly and went to the bathroom to help him, "Did you cut your finger again?"

"What's this?" Your eyes widened when you saw him holding your pregnancy test. He turned it around and observed it, "Two lines means your pregnant, right?"

You were afraid to talk; you nodded. You expected him to freak out, to tell you it was too soon and that he couldn't do this. Instead, his face broke into the biggest smile. He set the test on the sink and picked you up. You buried your face in his neck and hugged him back.

"When? Why didn't you tell me as soon as you found put? Is this why you asked if I wanted a family with you?" He questioned.

"Slow down," he set you down, "Yes, I found out a few days ago. I was afraid, I didn't know how you'd react."

"I'm happy!" He cupped your face and kissed you, "I'm so, so happy! We have to call everyone!"

"We could invite our parents over for dinner," you suggested.

"Yes, you call them, I'll cook!" He planted another kiss on your lips and hurried in the kitchen.

To say Samuel was happy was an understatement, he was excited; he was in cloud nine. He couldn't wait to tell everyone but you made him promise to keep quiet until you told your parents first, and it was going to happen when you were all around the table ready to eat. Your parents were the first to arrive. Then when Pilar came, she noticed immediately that something was going on. She knew her son and she's rarely seen him this enthusiastic. Once everyone was seated and had food in their plates, you started talking.

"Thank you all for coming in such short notice. Samuel and I have something very important to tell you."

"You're getting married!" Your mother interrupted.

"Not yet, mother, please let me finish. As I was saying, we called you here because we wanted you to be the first to know," you looked at your boyfriend.

"We're having a baby!" he finished the sentence.


Pilar was already hugging you and kissing both your cheeks and your parents followed, everyone was happy but you were the happiest. Not only did you have a supportive boyfriend, but an entire family. Later that night when you climbed into bed, Samuel covered your small stomach with his hand.

"I can't seem to stop smiling," he chuckled.

"I can't believe we're going to be parents," you put your hand over his, "What do you think it'll be?"

"A girl," he answered, "she'll be as beautiful and smart as her mother and she'll be daddy's girl."

"I think it'll be a boy, as handsome and charming as his father."

"Maybe next time we'll have a boy, but this one," he stroked his thumb over your skin, "this one's my little girl. I'm sure of it."

You giggled, "I don't care what it is as long as it's a healthy baby."

"Of course, but I tell you that I know our first child will be a girl. I can feel it."

This time you laughed, "I should be the one feeling the baby, you know. Anyway, what counts now, is that there's going to be one more of us."

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