Chapter 15

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Elexia's P.O.V

As I opened the door I couldn't help but stare at his God like figure. He was wearing a bark blue dress shirt with the top two buttons undone and black skinny's with black and white Nike Blazers. All in all he looked amazing.

Quickly looking back at his face before he noticed me checking him out I saw him staring at me with his mouth slightly agape. i coughed quietly and he finally snapped out of it. "Wow... you look... wow." He said speechless. I giggled a little. "You look quite 'wow' yourself." he gave me a mock frown and then smiled "seriously though you look amazing." Blushing a little I looked down. "Thank you." I said and then remembered something. "Before we go anywhere you don't mind coming in real quick, it just that my mom said she wanted to meet you before you took me anywhere. And you know how mums get the-" I was cut of by his chuckle. "Lex, it's fine. I'd love to meet your mum." He smiled once more before I stepped out of the way so that he could walk in.

Closing the door I leaned on it and let out a deep breath. I just had to let my mum meet him and then we could get going. Let's just hope she doesn't embarrass me too much.

As I walked in to the living room with Xavier trailing behind me I saw my mum sitting on the couch watching her favourite show. When she saw us walk in she turned the T.V off and stood up and stared at Xavier with a glare " mum this is Xavier, Xavier this is my mum." I said pointing at the said person when I said their names. " It is a pleaser to meet you Mrs.Grey." He said holding out his hand for my mum to shake. She just stared at it until he timidly pulled his hand back.

She stared at him for a good two minutes with a stare that made even me squirm and it wasn't even directed at me. Yet Xavier looked unaffected and stared back with an equally intense stare. "Seeming as Mr.Grey is not here I think that it is my job to ask; what are your intentions with my daughter?" My mum asked in a serious tone. "MUM" I shouted going red in the face from embarrassment. Xavier turns towards me "No it fine. She can ask." he then turns to my mum. "I can assure you that I will have your daughter home safely and unharmed by the end of our date. And have her home at the time you are going to tell me ma'am." He says with a smile at the end. My mum looks taken back by his answer before she smiles. "Well aren't you a polite young man. you can go on your date but I want her back at 11 o'clock sharp." She says smiling. I breath a sigh of relief. And smile at my mum. I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before walking out the door with Xavier in tow.

Just before I make it to the car he jogs in front of me and opens the door. I smile at the small but sweet gesture and I get into the car saying a thank you. Once he gets into the other side I smile over at him and ask "Where are we going?" He looks over at me before concentrating back on the road. "That, dear Lexi is a secret." I tilt my head back and groan. "But I HATE surprises." A pout coming on to my face. "Haha trust me after this you will love them." He says. So I sit back like the good little passenger that I am I I sit back and watch the scenery as the trip goes on.

Hey guys long time no see. I know I took long again but I haven't really had any inspiration. Hopefully the next chapter will be better and longer. I am already working on it so it should be up soon.
Today is also wear yellow for Seth day so wear YELLOW.

Also the holidays start today too so I should update a lot more. Anyways don't forget to
FOLLOW thank you xoxoxo

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