Chapter 14

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Elexia's P.O.V

I woke up on Saturday morning feeling really nervous. Even though it was only 10 o'clock and he is not going to be here until 7.

When I told Amy about my date with Xavier she immediately demanded that I let her take me shopping to find a new outfit. As my wardrobe wasn't great I agreed. I mean she has great fashion sense so why not. We agreed that we would leave at half 10 so that we have time to grab something to eat quickly before shopping. After we found my cloths we were coming back here to do my hair and make up. Amy also insisted that she help with that to. Even though I was capable of doing that by my self. When I told her that She said, and these where her exact words "you can't go looking plain and boring on your first date." At first I was offended and then she explained that a girls first date is suppose to be magical. Cliché I know but she still said it. when I told her it was not my first date she told me not to ruin her moment. So I let her be.

I heard a beep come from outside and I quickly got up and shouted a quick goodbye to my mum who was home today. When I told my mum about my date at first she was shocked and then she demanded that she met the boy who 'stole my heart'. I laughed at her comment but agreed that she could meet him when he comes to pick me up for our date as long as she doesn't try to embarrass me. Hopefully she will keep her promise. Don't want to scare him off before we even went on our date.

I walked out to Amy's car and got in quickly. "Hey" I greeted her.
"Hey, how you feeling?" She asked as she started driving again. "A bit nervous" I admitted. "But other wise I'm fine." She looked at me quickly before turning back to the road. "Well that is normal. I mean who wouldn't be nervous. But I am sure the date will go fine. He seems to really like you and he doesn't usually ask girls out. So be proud" I smiled at her comment but didn't say anything back.

We finally made it to the mall and after parking we started to look around. "So where do you want to go first?" Amy asked me. "Well we can I to any shops that look good and then we can get some food and if we don't find anything before food we can shop again." I said after some thinking. "Sounds like a plan. Let's go." She quickly grabbed my arm and dragged me to the closest store. I really hope this doesn't take to long.

£&@ 2 Hours later £&@
I groaned. This has got to be the millionth item of clothing that I have tried on. We have been to loads of stores but none of them seem to have the right outfit for me.

"Ugh lets just go get something to eat and we can carry on looking after. My feet are killing me." I said to Amy as I tried on yet another item of clothing. Don't get me wrong I love shopping just not when it is for two hours straight and on an empty stomach. "ok fine we will look after we have eaten."

Just as we were about to walk into the food court I looked across at a store window. I paused in my step. I saw a perfect outfit in the store window. It was beautiful I knew I just had to get it. Tugging on Amy shirt sleeve I pointed to the shop across from us still staring at the dress. Amy saw what I was looking at and with out a word she dragged me across. We found the dress j was looking at and she shoved me into a changing room. I quickly slipped on the dress and looked in the mirror. It fit perfectly. The dress hugged my body in all the right places and showed my curves. It easy coral colour with a gold belt around the waist. It was perfect.

I walked out of the dressing room to see necktie standing there holding a black blazer and black heels. Putting them on quickly I looked in the mirror one more time. The outfit was really good. "Wow, you look amazing" Amy said as she stared at me. "Thank you." I just hoped that Xavier liked it.

@&£ back at home@&£
Amy and I had got back at about 5 and now we were trying to get me ready. I had just hopped out of the shower and she was already attacking me with hair curlers and make up brushes.

It was now half past 6 and my hair and make up is all done. All that I need to do now is get changed. The outfit was already laid out on the bed so I just picked them up and made my way to the bath room. As I got changed I couldn't help but feel nervousness start to creep in. What if he sees me and decides it was all a big mistake. Shaking that thought from my head I walked out of the bathroom where Amy was patiently waiting on my bed. "Wow, you look stunning. Xavier is going to have trouble breathing when he sees you."

After a minute Amy left the house after wishing me luck. Although she said I didn't need it she still said it. I hope she is right.

Before I knew it the sound of the door bell sounded through the house. I looked at the time and noticed it was dot on 7 o'clock. I took a deep breath before walking down the stairs.

Well here goes nothing.
Hey guys don't hate me for leaving it at a cliff hanger I will update soon... and... it is almost Valentine's Day!!! Now some of you will be going out with a loved one and some of you, like me, will be at home where your "loved one" is Ben and Jerry's ice cream and romance movies. But any way hole everyone has a lovely day. Don't forget to
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