Chapter 11

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After first period fineshed I headed to second. Turns out me and James have a lot of our classes together. We also have the same lunch, which is great because me and amy dont have the same lunch today and im not completely comfortable talking to her friends just yet. Any way me and james seem to become friends pretty quick. I dont understand why he has no other friends. Every time i go to ask him he gets a scared look in his eyes and avoids the subject. He also seems really catious of the people around him. Like they are going to hurt him. But i will let him tell me in his own time.

Anyway it is lunch now so we find an empty table after getting our lunch and start to talk. "So i dont really know much about you why dont you tell me some things" i say after swollowing my food. He sets down the sandwich he was eating and looks at me. He pauses and then shrugs his shoulders "Sure, what would you like to know?" He questions. "Any thing and everything" is my reply.

He nods "Okay, I live with my mum and dad. I have two siblings both younger than me, Taylor she is 4 and Jake who just turned one. Im 17 years old, my birthday is on the 15 of November... Um... my favourite colour is green, my favourite food is sheperds pie. I have a small pug who i named Goldie she is 2 years old so is still quite small. I dont really have a favourite movie. Im allergic to nuts. Im not rich but im not poor either. At the moment my favourite song is Invisible by Skyler Grey (A/N: love that song listen to it.). And... i think that is about everything."

"Awww you have a pug" is my first comment. I dont know why but tnat is the only thing that came to mind. I honestly wasnt expecting him to tell me that much. But it was good. He smiles "yeah, what about you?" He asks

"Well my life isnt that interesting but... i live with my mum but she is hardly home because of her job, she is a nurse, and i ahve one older brother, kyle he is 19. I, sadly, dont have any petz but would love to have a husky. My favourite colour is red. Dont have a favourite food. I love cooking and drawing. Im 17 years old and my birthday is on April 14. I am not allergic to anything. My favourite song at the moment is Amnesia by 5 seconds of summer(A/N: listen to this to). Im not rich either but my mum gets paid well. And thats everything." I finished with a big smile.

He frowns "What about your dad?" He asks.

"Ummm... my dad.. he is at war at the moment, in afganinstan. He has been gone for quite some tim. We hear from him now and again, but the war is a busy place." I say trying to keep the tears from spilling over.

He gasps"Im so sorry, that must be hard... I mean i had a uncle who was in war and that was hard enough." He said whilst squzing my hand that was on the table. I gave him a watery smile. "I supose it is hard, but it gets better." I say. For the rest of lunch we just sit, talk, eat and laugh about the most random things. And before we know it the end of lunch bell rings. We chuck away our rubbish and go to our next class, but sadly we dont have the same lesson. So we give each other our numbers and go our seperate ways. Promising to meassage each other later.

**End of the school day**

After going to my locker i walk outside to my car whilst digging in my bag for my keys. Finding them i take them out and look up. I do a double take. Xavier is leaning up against my car sun glasses on and on his phone. To be honest he looks really ho-Wait what am i thinking. I cant think that. Who am i kidding of course i can. Hes hot.. there it is out in the open, sort of.

Anyway back to the present. I start to walk up to him confusion writen all over my face. He looks up when he sees my small shadow fall over him. "Hey what are you doing hear?" I ask him. He just stares at me. "What?" His hand reaching out to my face his thumb brushes under my eye. Electricity rushes through my body. He holds up his finger "Eye lash" he says simply. Then he smiles "Make a wish" Chuckling to my self i close my eyes and make a wish gently blowing at his finger to get rid of the eye lash. "There done" i say smiling.

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