Chapter 4

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The only thing that could be heard was the humming of some random song on the radio and the gentle tapping of his finger on the steering wheel. Other than that it was completely silent. I sat watching as the trees pass by in a green blur. It had been like this for the past 5 minutes and neither of us had tried to start a conversation. But that was ok with me because it gave me time to think.

I sat thinking about my friend back in America, Beth, we had been friends since toodlers. We stood up for one another and was there when we needed each other most. The day she found out we were planning on moving we sat and cried for almost 3 hours. After that we decided to make our last days together count. We went bowling, ice skating, movies and shopping. Needless to say we spent every waking minute with each other. I miss her like crazy. Which remindes me I need to call or skype her some time. "We're here" Xavier's voice startled me out of my thoughts. I was so deep in thought that I didnt even notice that we had already parked the car. I looked out of the car window and my jaw dropped... Wow.

I think he forgot to mension that he did not live in a house, no, he lived in a... MANSION. Seriously this place is big enough to fit 5 of my houses in it. It was a brick four story house  that had grass running around the whole place except for the path and about a meter of gravel from the house that ran around the perimeter of it. There was also a pot of freash flowers on every windowsill on the bottom floor. The whole area was also sourounded by woods, but it was strangrly comfortable to be close to nature. I have always loved being outside more. I will be out side when ever I can even if its for like littles things like homework or to think. Its like the only place I can find peace is outside. "Are you gunna stand there and stare at it all day or do you want to come in?" I jumped back slightly when I heard Xaviers voice beside me. He let out a small chuckle and started up the path to the house with a small smile on his face. I stood there for a few seconds until I decided to follow him.

It was quiet as we walked to the house the only sound was the gravel crunching beneath our feet. I was anxious to see if the inside was as beautiful as the outside.

We reached the door and Xavier opened it and held the door open for me. "After you" He said with a little bow. I chuckled a thank you and walked in with him close behind. Once I stepped in my jaw dropped for the millionth time today. Inside was absolutely stunning. The was a silver chandelier hanging from the ceiling, a grand stair case to the left and two doirs to the right there were a few picters hanging on the walls of famiky and friends that made the place feel more at home. The wooden flooring looked freshedly polished and shiny that yoy could see your reflection in it. There was a door open at the end of the hall that led to what looked like a kitchen. The place was so cleen you couldn't see a single cobweb in sight, not even on the ceiling. All in all this place was amazing. "Wow" I breathed out "This place is beautiful"

"Yeah, you get uset to it after a while" He replied with a shrug. How can he be so calm when he lives in a place like THIS?

"How many rooms does this have?" I asked wondering how many rooms this palce can hold.

" It has 13 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 4 lounges, 3 dining rooms, a kitchen, a game room, a cinima room and 2 gyms" He replied whilst ticking the things of on his fingers as he went along. "Wow, that is impresive" I replied still trying to take it all in.

"So" he said claping his hands together. "Should we get started on this project?" he asked.

"Yeah sure, lead the way" I stuttered out making a small hand gesture. He chuckled and we started our way up the staircase.

About 2 minutes later we were still walking up the stairs and I was starting to get tired. "Are we there yet?" I asked for the third time. As soon as the the question left my mouth we stopped in front of midnight blue double doors. "Were here" He said opening one of the doors well here goes nothing.

I walked into the room and it was huge the three of the walls were a deep blue whilst the other was white. There was a king size bed pushed up against the white wall with black sheets with a set of draws to the right with a lamp shade and an alarm clock on it. The wall opposite the bed had a gint flat screen t.v hanging on the wall with an xbox and some games under it. in the corner of the room there were two white couches and a coffe table. The wall to the left of the bed had a door that led to a closet and a couple of pictures hanging around it. Another door was placed to the left of the bed but on the same wall, that door led to a bathroom. I'm guessing. His room was huge.

I turned around so that I was facing him with a grin and said "Well, lets get started."


Hey before you say anything I know it been a long time and I promise to update more frequently but for now...

I hope you enjoy and dont forget to




Thank you xoxo♥♡♥♡

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