Chapter 5

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Elexia's P.O.V

2 long hours later we were almost done with the first part of the project. Somehow during our work session Xavier had maneged to scoot closer to me, but I guess I was so in grossed in the work that I hadent noticed... Who am I kinding of course I noticed, most of the time I couldnt consentrate because of a certain boy sat next to me.

I was about to start writing something else when I felt him move closer. I froze. His leg brushed against mine and I felt a jolt of sparks run through my body, instantly warming me up and makeing me lose my train of thought. How can one simple touch make my brain turn to goo? I tried to collect my thoughts and continue working. Key word: Tried.

"Elexia" I heard Xavier say. Funny he sounds so close. "Yeah?" I said turning my head to the left. My breath caught in my throught when I realised how close he was, so close that our noses brushed. I found my self getting lost in his vibrant blue eyes. His eyes flickered down to my lips then returned to my eyes. Slowly he bought his face closer to mine but I couldnt bring myself to move away. He paused before his lips could meet mine. I could feel his breath fanning against my lips and he smelt like mint. He closed his eyes and I closed mine is well waiting for his lips meet mine."Hey Xavi-Woah" We quickly jumped apart and looked towards the door to see who had interupted our moment.

Standing at the door with wide eyes was a boy around my age with blond hair a few shades darker than Xaviers (AN:Xaviers hair basically blonde with natural brown highlights)  and forest green eyes. I'm guessing he is one of Xaviers friends.

Xavier sighed and ran a hand through his hair "What do you want brad?" He didn't even try to  hide the annoyance from his tone. "Um... well...your mum wanted me to tell you that there are important people coming round that your dad wants you to meet." Brad explaind while scratching the back of his neck nervously. "When will they be hear?"Xavier asked in a bored tone.

"About an hour" came the reply. Xavier only noded "I should... probably go now" Brad said while walking towards the door. Once the door was firmly shut I turned to Xavier "I should be heading home now to its getting late" Once those words came out of my mouth Xaviers head snapped up to look at me "Are you sure?... I mean you could stay for dinner if you want." He offered. As tempting as that offer was I really needed to get home. "I'm sure. My mum will be wondering where I am any way."

"Ok, I will give you a ride." It wasn't a question but I nodded any way.

After we had packed our stuff away we headed down stairs to go home when we got to the door Xavier shouted "Mum I'm going to drop Elexia at home be back in a bit" I heard a faint 'Ok' just as the door slamed shut. We made our way to Xaviers car in scilence. When we reached the car Xavier opened the door for me and bowed "My lady" He said in a fake British accent. I giggled while doing a curtsey "why thank you kind sir " I replied in my horrible British accent while stepping inside the car. He let out deep chuckle and closed the door making his way over to the drivers side. Once he was in he started to drive."So... Where do you live?" I chuckled and gave him directions to my place.

After that our ride was mostly silent and before I knew it we were pulling up at my house. I turned to Xavier "Thank you for the ride" I said with a smile.

"No problem" He replied "can I walk you to your door?" He asked with a smile. I smiled back, I swear his smlies were catching, "Sure" With that we both hoped out of the car and made our way to my door. Every step that we took his arm would brush against mine filling me with a familiar warmth. We reached my door and I turned to face him just as he started talking "Um... would you like to come over again tomorrow... you know to do the project?" He asked scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, I would love to" I answered with a smile. I just realised I smile a lot when I am around him. A smile instantly lit his face "Great I will come pick you up tomorrow. Be ready by eight" I gave him a confused look, why is he picking me up? "I drove you to my house so your car is still at school" he said after looking at my confused face. "Oh, right. I forgot" Was my oh so smart reply. He chuckled whilst shaking his head. Suddenly he looked at his watch and his eyes got wide "Crap! I have to go, dont want to be late for the dinner or my mum will flip." He says in a panic.

"Its ok you go, see you tomorrow" I say turning to unlock the door. I step inside and turn to face Xavier. He comes forward and leaves a lingering kiss on my cheek " See you tomorrow" He says and then leaves to his car.

I watch as his car speeds down the road than blush furiously realizing that Xavier just kissed me.

Closing the door I sigh. It has been a long day. But I couldn't help but lookforward to what tomorrow has to offer.


Hey sorry I haven't updated in a while but something happened and I havent been able to update till now. BUT.... hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will hope to update again by the end of the week. Dont forget to



FOLLOW   Thank you for all your support it is much appreciated. Again sorry for not uptating.


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