Chapter 7

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Elexia's P.O.V

We made it to school in a comfortable silence. Me looking out the window smiling like a mad woman at the complement he gave me.

Once we parked in the schools parking lot I suddenly became nervous. What would people think when I stepped out of Xaviers car? Would they assume we were together?

Xavier must have sensed my nervousness because he looked over me "Don't worry no one will say anything to you I will make sure of it" he said smiling. My heart soared at his words and all of my nervousness melted away. I smiled back and nodded. "Wait here"  He said holding up one finger. I cast a confused look but he was already out of the car, jogging over to my side and then opened the door. "You didnt have to do that" I said hopping out of the car, but still smiling at his gesture.  He shrugged " True" he paused "but I wanted to" he replied giving me one of his famous lopsidded smile. My smile got even bigger, if that were even possible. I just realised I smile a lot when I am around Xavier, and trust me when I say I hardly ever smile. "Lets go" he said. I nodded and followed along side him.

As I looked around I realized everyone was looking at us and whispering. Whilst we were walking by I caught a bit of their conversation. Most of them were along the lines of 'OMG, are they together?' 'They make such a cute couple' 'What a slut, she has been here for, like , a day and os already chasing after guys' At the last one a wave of sadness and shock washed over me, but mostly sadness. My hands started to shake, is that really what people are thinking of me? Xavier must have noticed my hands shaking because what he did next shoked me out of my train of thought. He held my hand. You heard right Xavier Black

(A/N: Don't know if I gave him a last name or not but it is Black now) is HOLDING MY HAND. Them familiar sparks were flowing up my arm and  the warmth I get when ever he is around intensifired. I didnt and coudnt pull my hand away so I entwined my fingers with his and smiled. I looked up at Xavier and he was looking forward a small smile playing on his lips.

We carried on walking towards the school the loud chatter resuming. When the doors opened he still didnt let go of my hand which kind of shocked me; I thought he would let go as soon as we got in. And as I presumed when we walked through the doors everyone was staring and whispering, again.

"Here we are" He said stopping in front of my locker. I turned to look at him with a genuine smile on my face. "Thanks" I said "For the ride and for walking me to my locker"

He let out a small chuckle "No problem m'lady" he said in a freakishly good british accent.

I looked at him stunned "Wow" I breathed out "Your good at that". "He merely shrugged "I have a few british... friends. And I have been to england once or twice." Why did he pause before he said friends? Oh well its probably none of my business. I looked down and noticed he was still holding my hand. I blushed keeping my head down hoping he wouldnt notice. But apparently luck wasn't on my side today beacaue he put his hand under my chin and made me look at him. He had pne of his half sidded smiles that made my heart flutter "You look cute when you blush. Dont ever try and hide it" That made me  blush even harder and he seemed to notice because his grin grew even bigger. He stepped away from me. I managed to supress a wimper that wanted to escape as soon as his warmth disepeared. What is wrong wth me? "See you in english" He said. Just as I thought he was about to leave he swiftly leaned in and planted a small kiss on my cheek, then left. He always seems to leave me breathless even if it was just a small kiss on the cheek. As if my hand had a mind of its own itreached upto touch the place he kissed. I smiled playing. The tingly feeling was still presant.

Not wanting to look like a mad woman smiling in the corridor so I turned around and opened my locker tking out the nessasery books. The smile still on my face I my face I make my way to english wanting to see him again. Aggghhhh!!!!!! Whats wrong with me. He has been gone two minutes and I already miss him? I need help.

I arrived at the classroom in under two minute's. Now that has got to be a record. I walked through the door just as the bell rang. As soon as I sat down Xavier walked in. He smiled at me and I immediately smiled back. Not long after the teacher walked through the door "Ok class take your books out and open to page..." I kind of blanked out the rest of the class I already learnt this at my old school so it is not like im learning anything new. So I spent the rest of that lesson staring out the window thinking of mine and Xaviers almost first kiss. would he have kissed me if we weren't interupted? What would his lips feel like on mine?

I must have spent a lot of time thinking because before I knew it the rung bringing me out of my thoughts. I didnt take any of my things out so I just picked up my bag and left. I was half way down the corridor when I heard my name being called. I stopped and turnt around and my heart beat sped up at seeing who it was. Xavier was jogging through the crowd of people. Once he reached me he smiled "Hey so I was wondering who's house are we going to be working at?" he asked. "Well we could work at my house my mum gets of work early so she will probably want to see me" I reply. I actually havent seen my mum for a whole day. She works to hard, but I think it is to keep her distrakted from dad. He nods "Yeah, sure I will just follow you in my car at the end of the day." I smile and nod at his offer "Sure" came my reply. "Meet you in the paking lot after school?" Again I just nod with a smile. That being said we both walk seperate ways. I cant wait till the school day is over was my last thought before walking into my history class.


Hey everyone, sorry it took so long to update been a bit busy with family stuff but hopefully I will be able to update more frequently. Anyways, thank you guys for all the support it is much apritiated.  Hope you like this chapter dont forget to



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