Chapter 13

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Xaviers P.O.V

I woke up the next day already putting my plan into action. I had called a couple of people last night to help me set everything up and now all I had to do was get it right.

I quickly had some breakfast and started to make my way to school. Even though it was only 7 o'clock and school started at 8 I needed to get there to set everything up. It is going to be perfect. Let's just hope she says yes.

Elexias P.O.V
I walked into school and started making my way to my locker. I had left my maths book in there and that was my first lesson. Trying to move quickly was difficult due to the amount of people trying to rush before the bell rang.

I finally made it to my locker, but had to stop and double check that it was mine. At least 2 dozen red roses where taped all over the front of my locker. I stepped closer to them and gently touched the soft petals smiling softly. I carefully pulled them all of and tied them together with a hair band on my wrist. I then continued to open my locker and a I did a small piece of paper fell out of it. Placing the flower gently in the locker I picked up the note. It read:
Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl
P.s hope you liked the flowers

It was short and simple but still very sweet. I placed the little note beside the flowers then picked up my math book shoved it in my bag quickly then pulled out my phone sending a text to Xavier to thank him for the flowers. I knew it was him. I mean who else could it be.

With a permanent smile on my face I made my way to math after the bell rung.

@"& lunch time @"&
Today has been great in every class I went to I was handed a rose by either the teacher or a student in my class but they were all from the same person. Xavier. With a small note attached to each one. I have been locking out for him as I am walking to class, even now, and I can't see him anywhere. Hopefully by the end of lunch I will be able to find him.

Just as I was about to step into the cafeteria I was stopped by a boy who looked to be a year younger than me holding a rose. He handed it to me and walked away saying nothing just like everyone else. Looking at the rose I saw another note on it. It read: meet me outside -X
I frowned but followed the instructions anyway. I stepped outside the school and saw Xavier standing there holding... a bandana? As I walked closer to him I couldn't help but smile. "So" he said once I was standing I front of him. "Did you like the flowers?" I smiled remembering all the flowers I had to stuffing my locker this morning and just before going to lunch. "Yes I loved them." I said leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. "Anyway, why did you ask me to come out here?" I asked him. He smiled and told me to turn around. Me being curious as to what he was doing turned around. I felt the bandana being placed over my eyes. "Wait... what are you doing?" I asked in panic. he finished tying the bandana then whispered in my ear "trust me". And strangely I did.

I felt him leading me somewhere and then we were walking up some steps. Him guiding me and me cautiously walking up the stairs.

Finally we reached wherever he was taking me and he started undoing the tie. Once it was almost off he said not to open my eyes yet. So I didn't. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his head rest on my shoulder. "Open" he whispered and my eyes snapped open. I gasped at the sight in front of me. Written out in roses on the massive football pitch was the words 'go on a date with me?' I felt tears sting my eyes as I turned around to face him and uttered one word. "Yes". A huge smile stretched across his whole face as he picked me up and spun me in circles. I giggled warping my arms around his neck.

When he put me down we both had massive smiles on our faces. " So is Saturday at 7 ok for you?" He asked and all I could do was nod. Too over whelmed with emotion. Both of us just stared at each other getting lost in one another's eyes before he leaned down an pressed his lips against mine and I immediately kissed him back.

I know this might sound crazy but... I'm already falling for him. Fast. And with every passing second I fall deeper and deeper. And I don't know wether that scares me or excites me. Either way I'm just going to enjoy this feeling whilst it lasts.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter ... and awe don't you think Xavier is cute who knew he had a romantic side. I need help with who can play Xavier and Elexia so if you have any ideas comment. Thank you. Don't forget to
FOLLOW thank you xoxox

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