Chapter 16

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Xavier's P.O.V

Everything was planned perfectly. I had everything done I just hope that she likes it. I plan to take her to this new restaurant that just opened up. It is really popular and the food is amazing. Then I am going to take her to a cliff that me and my friend found when running in the woods one time, it is not far from the restaurant but we have to walk through the woods a bit.

I look over at Elexia quickly before looking back at the road. She looked like she was thinking really hard about something. "What are you thinking so hard about?" She seemed to come out of her thoughts and look over at me. "Oh, I was just trying to figure out where you are taking me. And if you are a murderer planning to take me to a deserted place to kill me, then chop my body up put it in a bag and send it to my parents." I sat there in shock before bursting out laughing. "Wow, you have a wild imagination. But I can promise you I am not a murderer nor do I wish to kill you and cut you body up and put it in a bag to send to your parents. I like you too much to kill you." I say and look over to see an adorable blush on her face.

Soon we reached the restaurant and I quickly jumped out of the car and jogged towards her door to open it for her. I bowed and offered her my hand. "after you ma'am" She giggled and took my hand before getting out. She went to pull her hand out of mine but I only held tighter and walked us towards the restaurant. With her hand in mine j felt warmer some how.

When we got to the podium at the front of the restaurant I said "Reservation for Mr.Black." He looked down at his list and nodded and gestured for us to follow him. With her hand still in mine we followed him to our table. I pulled out her chair for her as she sat down and pushed it in for her before sitting down and looking at the menu in front of me. "Wow" Elexia breaths out. I look up at her and frown. "Is something wrong?" I ask her in concern. She looks at me and blushes a little. "Yeah I'm fine it just... aren't the prices a bit high?" I chuckle at her comment before replying. "Don't worry about the prices just order what ever you want. This is a date after all."

The waiter comes back and takes our orders before coming back with our dirks and disappearing again. "So" I say and turn towards her. "I already know that your favourite colour is red and you can't look after a pet after the many dead fish you had to flush down the toilet. But I want to know more. What is the one thing that no one else knows about you? Your deepest secret." I ask her and she smiles. "You remember all that from our 20 question game we played ages ago?" I just nod my head. "And those dead fish were not my fault I was like 5. But you want to know my deepest secret... Can I not tell you here I feel like people are listening." I nod at her request. "You know you don't have to tell me if you don't want to ok?" I tell her giving her a reassuring smile and squeezing her hand. She smiles and nods.

Just then our food arrives and we eat in silence with a few odd questions here and there not long after we finish our meal and I pay before leaving and getting into the car. "We have one more place to go before I drop you home." I say and she looks over at me. "Where are we going?" I just smile and start to drive.

Soon we reach the dirt path that we need to walk down to get to our destination. I step out of the car and she Jodies the same. As we start to walk I notice that she is wearing heals. "Do you want me to carry you?" I ask her and she looks over at me. "What" she says. "Your feet will start to hurt. We are walking quite far." She doesn't say anything so I stand In front of her ad crouch down so she can jump on my back. "Jump on" I say and surprisingly she does. When I know I won't drop her I start to walk.

We walk for 5 minutes in silence and I am now not following the dirt path as where we are going doesn't have its own path. She brakes the silence "You know before when you told me you weren't a murderer. Well right now I am staring to disagree with that." I chuckle. Of course she would say something like that. "I promise you I am not a murderer."

We finally reach the destination and I tell her to get down and after moving some branches out of the way I tell her to walk in.

Elexias P.O.V

What I see in front of is amazing it is a large clearing with hundreds of different types of flowers that give it that colourful aspect. I waterfall is in the centre. How did I not hear the water running? The trees are amazing and so... green. I look over at Xavier and say "this place is amazing. How did you find it?" Still looking at the place in awe. The moon is casting a glow on the river that makes it look magical. " My friend and I found it whilst exploring the woods one time." He leads me over to the log next to the waterfall and we sit down. I take a deep breath. "Earlier, you asked what my deepest secret was and I'm going to tell you." He puts a hand over mine ad I lace our fingers together. "You don't have to tell me"
"But I want to and if I do I am going to start from the beginning." here goes nothing

Hey guys so I ended on a cliff hanger but it Is like nearly 2am and I am tired but wanted to update for you guys so here it is. I hope you enjoy it and I will update soon. Don't forget to
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