Chapter 9

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Elexia's P.O.V

"Ugh. Im bored" I groaned. We have been working non-stop for the past two hours and I was tired of sitting here in silence. Xavier looked over at me and smiled putting his pen down. "Ok, what do you wanna do?" he questioned. I thought about ot for a while. What did I want to do? I wanted to get to know him better so I decided. Sitting up from my laying down position I crossed my legs and faced him. "lets play twenty questions" I said with a smile. He raised an eyebrow at me " twenty questions?" he asked in amusement.

"Yeah I mean we can get to know each other better so we are not complete strangers while working" He thought about it and sat there bitting my bottom lip in anticipation hoping he would say yes .

After a good minute he shruged "why not" . A smile immediately lit up my face happy that I can get to know him better. He smiled back. "Okay I'll go first." I said. What to ask... I really didnt think this through. I dont know what to ask. " Sooo.... are you going to ask the question or-" I cut him of by putting my finger to his lips. Wow they are as soft as they look. " Be quite im trying to think " I hissed. He put his hands up in surrender. Just as I had though of a question I felt a slight nip at my finger. I quickly pulled my finger away and gaped at him. " Did you just... bite me?"  I asked shocked. He grined slyly and shrugged "Maybe" he mumbled.

Shaking of the fact that he just bit my finger I went to ask him the question "Anywho... whats your favorite colour ?" Once I finished talking he burst out laughing "What" I asked turning bright red. He just kept on lauhing. He had rolled of the sofa (AN: they were sitting on the sofa) and was now clutching his stomach with tears steaming down his face. I huffed but couldnt help but smile a little. His laugh made my stomach fill with warmth. "Im sorry" his laugh reducing into a chuckle. "Um... I guess my favorite colour has to be midnight blue." He said answering my question. I chuckled figures most of the stuff in his room is blue. " What about you? whats your favorite colour?" Hmmm... what is my favorite colour?

" I really like red so... red is my favorite colour." I said finally deciding on a colour.

This carried on for a little longer with me asking questions and him answering and vice versa. I found out that his first pet was a grey and white Alaskan Malamute puppy named Duke that he got when he was eleven, he still has it. I also found out that he has a little sister Kady who is 4. His dad runs his own business, he didnt tell me what the business was though, his mum doesnt work. His birthday is on November 25th, He plays football (AN: American football) and basketball. So I learned quite a lot.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 7 o'clock and my mum would be home soon. Wow i completely lost track of time. I decided now would be a good time to start cooking dinner. I turned to Xavier "Hey do you want to stay for dinner?" I asked. His eyes seemed to glaze over for about a minute before he nodded "Sure , I would love to stay for dinner." Was his reply. I smiled and then walked into the kitchen with him following close behind. I looked into the fridge and to see what ingredients we have. I turned around and saw him sitting on one of the island stools "Is spaghetti ok?" I asked him. He nodded "Yeah spaghetti is fine, need any help?" I just shook my head.

"I'll tell you if I need some help." I answered.

Whilst I was cooking me and him made small talk, just talking about everything and nothing. I had just fineshed putting the pasta on to boil and noticed he had been quiet for a while now. I turned around to find him staring at me intensly. "What?" I asked smiling a little, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. He just smiled "You look so beautiful"  he said after a while. I blushed turning around to put the spaghetti and the sauce on to plates.  I placed the plate along with a glass of juce each on the island. We soon started to eat in scilence.

After a while we finished eating "Wow Lex, that was amazing. Where did you learn to cook like that?" he asked. I smiled a little, glad that he injoyed the food.

"Umm... my dad. He taught me how to cook before... he joined the army when I was 10. Every time he comes back he will teach me how to cook something new and tell me amazing storys of him over seas. But he hardly ever comes home anymore. There are so many wars going on that he hardly ever has time off." I sniffed a little at the end. I really do his him. He smiled sympathetically "I'm sorry" he said with a sad smile.

I shrugged "Its fine, really, we still send letters now and then." I said sending him a smile. "Anyway you can help me clean up." I said standing up grabbing the plates.

After washing and drying the dishes and a few bubble fights in between, we finally fineshed and settled down on the sofa. Today has been awsome I never wanted it to end. But of course all good things must come to an end as my mum choses that moment to walk through the door. "Hey mum" I said as she walked in to the living room. "Hey sweetie, oh whos this?" she said looking tired. Xavier stood up and offered his hand to my mum.

"Hello, im Xavier. Its a pleaser to meet you ma'am." he said politely giving her an easy smile that would make any girl melt. My mum smiled back

"Hey, same to you." she said.

"I left you some diner it is in the microwave." I told her

" thank you I will just go heat that up" she replyed before scurrying of to the kitchen. Xavier turned around to face me

"I should probably get going. Its getting late and I have to get home." he said looking like he didnt want to go. My mood dropped a bit at the mention of him leaving, but I understood. "Yeah sure you go on home, have a safe trip" I said trying not to seem upset whilst walking him to the door. He turned around once he was out the door and gave me a kiss on the cheek "Bye" he whispered. I whispered a bye back. "Seya Mrs grey"He shouted. I heard a faint bye come from the kitchen.

I watched him drive away wanting tomorrow to come faster so I can see him that obsessive? 


hey sorry its late.. again. but... hey, its longer right?

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and dont forget to



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