What's your secret?

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Elexia's P.O.V

The sond of my alarm clock blaring in my ears woke me om my dreamless sleep. I blindly throw my arm around in hope to find my alarm. once it is turnt off I lazily make my way to my closet to find clothes. I decide on a pair of black skinny jeans and my red 'Geek' top. Slowly I make my to the bathroom werer I strip and step into the shower, letting the warm water relax me.

After my morning routine I go back into my room to blow drry my hair and grab my red vans. I dash down the stairs grab an apple from the kitchen and head out side to my car and make my way to school.

I feel like I should introduce my self. My name is Elexia, but everyone calls me lexi. I have brown hair that flows just bellow my shoulders . I'm 17 years old, I have one brother, kyle, who is 19 he has dirty blonde hair that is close to brown and hazel eyes. My mum is truly amazing, she is a nurse at a local hospital. My dad, well, I hardly see him as he is fighting a war in Afghanistan. well there is my family. And they are truly all I could wish for.

Ariving at school I feel a sudden burst of nerves erupt in my stomach. It is my first day at my new school. I just moved here because of my mum's job. But i'm sure I will do fine. Right?

I park my car and make my way to the office to get my schedule and map. " hello dear, how may I help you?" An overly excited resptionist says.

" I'm Elexia grey, I'm new here and was wondering if I could get my schedule and map." I explain politely.

" of course just give me a sec." I nod and she starts rumeging through some papers.

A couple minutes later she hands me a piece of paper. "here you go, and welcome to Chicago." She says. I mumble a thanks as and make my way to my first class english lit room 305... 306... 307, AHA! 308. Found it! I quietly knock on the door before opening it with a little bit more forcse than nesasary. As I enter the classroom all eyes are on me. " Who might you be?" the teacher asks.

" I'm Elexia im new here." I explain.

" ok take a seat." He tells me. Nodding I scan the room to find that the only seat is is next to a guy with dirty blonde hair. I can not see his face properly as he has his arms on the table with his head reasting on them. Slowly I make my way over to the seat. As soon as my butt hits the seat his head shots up and I find my self staring into a pair of piercing blue eyes. A gasp escapes my lips as I take in his perfect features, finally landing on his full lips that look so soft. I bring my eyes to look into his and find him staring at my lips is well. I quickely drop my gaze and turn attention back to the teacher, who was going on about something but I couldn't concentrate.

The whole lesson I could feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my head.

Finally the bell goes signaling the end of class. As fast as I could I gather my things and shot out of my seat before exiting the classroom. Once I was out I breathed a sigh of relief. I can't believe that happened. Wait, what did just happen?

I walked to my next class. There were only a couple of people there so I decided to take a seat next to a girl with blonde hair and green eyes. "Is this seat taken?" I asked politely. She looked up at me and said "nope feel free." So I sat down. "Im amy by the way" She explaind streching out her hand. I took it and said "im elexia, but you can call me lexi." The lesson by quickly, and amy turned out to be awsome. Also I found out that she is in most of my classes is well so thats great.

At lunch we granbed some food and made our way to a table with 2 other girls and 3 boys. "Hey guys this is lexi, lexi this is Amanda," She pointed to a girl with fiery red hair and grey eyes. "Skyler" She continued, Skyler had shoulder length black hair with light brown eyes. "Cole" She pointed to a guy with brown hair and brown eyes. "James" He had blonde hair and green eyes. "And finally carter." He had brown hair with a few red highlights and dark brown eyes. "Hi" They all replied.

Amy's friends were alright and we got along well. We were all deep in conversation when the cafetierea doors flew open. The whole room whent silent. I turned my head to see the guy I sat next to in english. "Who's that?" I asked amy my voice barley above a wisper.

"thats Xavier, the badboy of the school" She replied just as quite. Xavier, nice name. He was accompanied by two other guys just as well built, well maybe Xavier is a bit more built but not much. Suddenly his head snapped my way and he smirked. Blushing I looked away. After a while of silence the conversations started agian. Amy was about to say somthing, but somthing over my shoulder caught her attention. Her eyes where so wide I'm shocked they didn't pop out of her head. I gave her a questioning look but all she did was jerk her head forward as if saying for me to turn around. Slowly I turned around to meet a familiar pair of blue eyes... Xavier!


Hey this is my first book on wattpad so please tell me what you think.



thank you xx

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