Chapter 17

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Elexia's P.O.V

"Okay, it happened about two years ago. Me and my brother-" I started but was interrupted. "Wait you have a brother. Why didn't you tell me?" He asks. "Shh, yes I had two brothers but I will get to that just let me finish the story and you can ask your questions at the end." He nodded and imitated zipping his lips. "At the time I was only 15. I had just moved to a new school and my friend had invited me to a huge start of the new school year party. Practically everyone was going so me being me thought what's a better way to make loads of new friends than to go to this party. "
***Flash Back***
I had just got back from school my brothers Kyle and Drake not far behind. I walk straight to the kitchen where I can smell my mum cooking something. "Hey mum what are you cooking?" I ask looking around her shoulder to see. "I am making your guys favourite. Lasagna." She says
"That's great but I was wondering if I would be allowed to go to a party tonight with a friend." I asked with a pout hoping she would let me go. "Where is this party?" She asked turning to face me. "It is just a couple of streets down from here. I promise if you let me go I will do all the house work for two whole days." I give her my puppy dog eye that I know will make her crumble. She takes one look at me then groans "ok fine." I scream and jump up and down hugging her and saying thank you multiple times. "But.." she starts and I groan. "You have to take at least one of your brothers with you." Just as she says that Kyle shouts from his room. "Dibs not going with her." Followed by groans from my other brother Drake "thanks Drake" I shout but just hear more groans. Thanking my mum a billion more times j go upstairs to call Lucy and find a outfit to wear.
*couple of hours later*
"Come on Drake. The party will be over by the time we get there if you don't hurry up." I shout up the stairs.
"That was the plan." I hear him shout back before he comes down the stairs. Since none of us can drive we have to walk there but it is not far so I don't mind. We say goodbye to our mum before making our way out the door. As we start walking I talk to Drake "Thanks for coming with me. Mum would not have let me go if you did not come with." I say smiling up at him.
"No problem sis. What are big brothers for?" He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder. We walk in silence for a bit then we hear the screeching of tires. Looking to our left with a frown which quickly turns to one of panic. A car is coming straight at us. I feel my self being pushed and I land a couple of feet away from the car. I am shocked and dizzy for a moment before I hear a crash that makes me look up. I see Drake just as he hits the windshield of the car. His body rolling to the floor lifeless. "Drake" I scream running towards him. Tears streaming down my face. "No come on Drake. Don't do this. Open your eyes." Bringing his head into my lap I start tapping his face lightly hoping that he will open his eyes. Tears fall endlessly down my face as Drakes chest barely moves. His eyes flutter open slightly and I gasp in relief. "Drake. Your going to be ok. Your fine don't worry ok. Your fine." I say trying to convince myself that it is true.
"Lex." He takes in a deep breath. "I don't... think... I make... it... out of... this one." I shake my head refusing to believe it. "No. No your fine you will be okay. Just like always." I say as sobs rack through my body. Shaking me. his hand lightly touches my face. "Lex... be a... good girl... I'll miss... you." He says. Shaking my head the tears flow more rapidly. I hear sirens in the background. "Drake. Just hold on help is on the way. Just hang on." he smiles weakly before touching the top of my forehead with his index finger and dragging it down to the tip of my nose, before giving a thumbs up. We always use to do this to each other when one of us was upset. "I... Love you... sis." He says. "I love you too" I manage to say before his body goes limb in my lap. "Drake." I say but get no response. "Drake. Come on don't leave me now. There is so much more I need you to teach me." I feel arms grab me from behind and pull me away. "No. LET ME GO. I can't leave him. Put me down. DRAKE!! leave me alone. Why are you taking me away from him? Put me down. DRAKE. Please just let me go. I need to be with him." I kick and scream till my throughly is raw. Paramedics crowd around his body before they lift him on to a gurney. "NO. Where are you taking him? DRAKE. Come on don't leave me." I ask to go with him but they won't let me. The arms holding me keep me locked in place as I sink to the floor and they come with me. They are whispering words to me soothingly and from the strong grip and the deep voice I can tell it is a guy but I ignore them as I continue to cry, and watch the ambulance drive away. Taking a bit of my heart with it. " I need you." I whisper into the air as it all goes silent. The sound of the sirens fading into the night. There were loads of people around me but I had never felt more alone.
***flash back over***
Xavier Is holding me in his lap as tears fall down my face. I can even feel some of his tears hit my shoulder is well. "Shhh" he whispers trying to calm me down. "It's ok."
"The driver was drunk. So drunk that he had no recollection of the accident when he woke up. I blame my self sometimes. For what happened to him. If I had not wanted to go to that party maybe he would still be alive today." Xavier grabs my face in his hands and makes me look into his eyes. They were red from crying and I can bet my looked similar if not worse. "Hey. It is not your fault okay? It is that stupid driver fault for driving drunk. " he says and I nod my head. Tears still flowing. "What annoys me even more is that the driver walked away with a few scratches. Not even a Brocken bone. Just scratches. my brother died and he walked away with Scratches!" I say.
"Hey calm down its okay. " He says pulling me into his chest. I wrap my arms around him enjoying the comfort he gave me. "Now stop crying and let's enjoy the rest of our night." I lift my head from his chest and look him in the eyes. "Thank you." I say to him smiling slightly. "For what?" He asks
"For listening." I dare into his eyes and feel like I am being drawn in. I feel him getting closer and then his lips touch mine. My eyes flutter closed and I feel sparks fly though my body. I shuffle on his lap so that my legs are either side of him and push my fingers into his hair. His tongue slides across my bottom lip and I open my mouth.
I pull away after two minutes breathless and needing air. He open his eyes and looks at me. I gaped a little. I swear I just saw his eyes flash a glowing blue before they retuned to normal. Oh well maybe I am just seeing things. He rests his forehead against mine I and breaths in deeply.

We sit for a while longer enjoying the silence before he stands up and holds his hand out. "Come on we have to get going if I want to get you back home on time." I grab his hand and he lifts me up. But he doesn't let go.

As we make our way back to the car I say "I had fun tonight." And smile at him. "I'm glad I had fun to." I smile at him and look forward again continuing to walk. I really didn't want this night to end but you know what they say. All good things must come to an end.

Word count: 1,493
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it took so long but I hope it was worth the wait. Don't forget to
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