Chapter 8

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Elexia's P.O.V

Finally!! School was over. My history lesson seemed to drag. All he ever tells us to do is watch a movie that he finds on youtube and tells us to take note. How are we supposed to learn from that? But im just glad its over because now I get to go to spend time with Xavier... even if it is to do homework. I feel like I always need to be around him. Thats weird right, I mean I have only know him for 2 days and I fell like I have know him forever. Never mind enough with the negative thoughts time to get home.

Once I reached the parking lot I saw Xavier was lent up against my car wearing a pair of shades. Without even realising it I started to walk towards him. As soon as I was a good couple of steps away his head snapped up to me. As soon as he saw it was me  a smile lit up his face. Man, I think I just melted right there on the spot. As if on instinct I automatically smilled back. What I cant help it. Its one of them smiles that is impossible not to smile back at. "Hey" I said once I was standing in front of him. "Hey Elexia" he replied back smoothly. God even the way he spoke was drool worthy-Wait what am I thinking. Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts I concentrated on Xavier. "So you can just follow my car and then we can get on with this homework. Is that ok?" I asked. He just noded "Yep sounds perfect to me" was his reply. 

Xavier walked over to his car which was conveniently parked next to mine. I backed out of the parking lot and started to make my way home.

It took me about 5 minutes to get home and I was constantly looking behind me to make sure Xavier was still there. Once we arrived I parked in my usual space and Xavier parked next to me. I reached over to grab my bag from the passenger seat. once I had turned the car of I turned to open the door only to have it open before my hand can even touch the handle. Looking out I see Xavier holding the door open for me.  Stepping out I mumble a thank you closing and locking the car before making my way to my house. I dont hear footsteps behind me so I turn around to see him stood in the same spot next to my car with a dazed look on his face. " You coming?" I ask. He seems to snap out of whatever trance he was in and starts to follow me.

As we walk towards the door I start rumeging through my bag looking for my keys. Ugh. where are they? I hear jingling and suddenly feel so stupid my keys are still in my hand from when I got out of the car. I hit my forehead at my stupidity I little to hard. Groaning I rub my now red head. Haha, that rymed. Hearing a chuckle come from behind me I turn hand still on my head to see Xavier looking at me amusement dancing in his eyes."Did you just hit yourself ?" He asked as if having trouble beliveing what he just saw. Starting to regret my earlier decisions I nod my head slowly. He looks at me for a moment before he bursts out laughing. His laughter fills me with an unexplainable warmth. Huffing out a breath I stand in front of him and cross my arms, frowning. Doing this just seems to make him laugh harder, so I just wait for him to stop tapping my foot impatiently.

A good two minutes pass before he chokes out "Sorry" his laughter now completely stopped. A curious expression takes over his features "Why did you hit yourself?" After a minute of mental debate I finally work up the corage to tell him. "Well... see I was looking for my keys when irealised I still had them in my hand.. so I hit my head but... I guess I hit it to hard." He just stares at me and I bite my lip nervously, wondering what he was going to say. Then... he starts laughing AGAIN!! Not wanting to wait whilst he recovers from another laughing fit I turn away and walk in leaving the door open so he can come in once he has finished.

Once I am in the living room I hear his frantic footsteps trying to catch up with me as if just realizing I was gone. "Look Elexia I'm sorry for laughing at you that was rude of me. Are you ok?" I hear him ask from behind me. Hearing the sincerity in his voice brings a smile to my lips. Ugh I need to stop smiling so much around him or I am going to look like a creeper. "Yeah, im fine" I reply quickly wanting him to think I was mad at him. This will teach him not to laugh at me again. "Look im sorry. what can I do to make it up to you?"  He asks as I make my way into the kitchen. "I'll do anything" This spikes my attention. I quickly turn to face him. "Anything?" I ask raising an eyebrow. He nods slowly. "Ok I forgive you" He fist pumps the air yelling 'yes' I had to laugh at that. it really was a sight to see. "IF..." he groans "you agree to be my slave for a week" I say finishing my sentence.

He seems to contemplate my decision before shrugging "Sure whats the worst that can happen?" Little did he know what he was getting himself into but I wasnt going to tell him that. I was going to let him find that out himself. *Insert evil smirk* Edding that conversation I decided now would be a good time to start on our homework if we wanted to finish it in time. "We should really get started on our homework." I said voicing my thoughts to Xavier. He just nodded and we made our way towards the living room again.

Time to get started.

Xavier's P.O.V (*gasp* Double P.O.V)

We had just settled on the couch, the work spread out around us but I couldnt consentrate because I was to captivated on how beautiful Elexia looked consentrated on the work. Her eyebrows would scrunch up, her eyes would squint the slightest bit and she would bite on her lip or rhe end of the pen. It looked adorable.

I sighed and looked down at my empty sheet. Things are so more complecated than they should be. I want to ask her out because I like her but I think it might be to soon because we have only known each other for three days and It might scare her away. I need to get to know first.

I just hope she still wants to know me after she finds out the truth.

Hey guys, before you say anything I know it has been a long time, but I have had a huge writers block and everything I wrote just didnt fell like it was good enough. Sorry. BUT.... I hope you enjoy this chapter its a little short but I hope future chapters will be longer.
Dont forget to...





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