Chapter 24

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Issa double update💃🥳

Abdul arrived at kano later in the evening, because he couldn't get a direct flight. He called haneef to ask him which hospital Inna was admitted to.

When he arrived at the hospital, he exchanged pleasantries with everyone. While they only shared a stare with Ameerah. It was already time for maghrib prayers, so the guys went off to pray. While the women prayed inside the hospital.

" She is awake, and she has been asking of Ameerah" One of the nurses said as soon as she can't out of the ICU.

" I'm Ameerah, can I go in" Ameerah said

" Yes please, but don't stress her. She's not very strong" The nurse warned

Ameerah walked into the ICU and Inna's frail body rested in the hospital bed. Inna smiled at her, a weak smile.

" How are you feeling?" Ameerah asked as she sat close to her bed. She had lost so much weight and was looking very much older.

" Alhamdulillahi, where are my grand children?" Inna enquired

" I left them at home, they are in Abuja" Ameerah answered.

They talked for a bit and then she asked to see uncle Bashir and Abba. Ameerah went out to call them, Abba, mama, aunt salma and uncle Bashir all went in together. Ameerah came out to give them a little space. She didn't want them to over crowd Inna.
When they came out, haneef and haneefa went in.

Abdul glanced at Fuad asking whether he would go in first.

" Let's go together" Fuad said.

" Ameerah, Inna wants to see you again" Fuad announced as soon as he came out. Abdul was still inside.

" Come sit here, close to me" Inna weakly patted a space on the bed for Ameerah to sit.

" Abdulazeez, my son. Let me tell you a story" Inna started.

" No Inna, get better first. You're still weak." Abdul opposed

" Don't worry, I want to tell you this story today" Inna said.

" There was a young girl, she was beautiful, smart and very intelligent. Her parents loved her a lot, infact she was loved by everyone. She was four years old when her parents got separated, they had a massive fight which lead to their separation. Her mother left with her infant siblings, who were one year old then and left the girl with her father. The girl was so attached to her father that she went every where with him." Inna paused a bit to catch her breath.

" One day, one of her dad's friends adviced him to get a maid that would take care of the girl. He agreed and got a maid, the maid had no where to stay. So he offered her accommodation in his house. She had a son, Yusuf, so she moved in with him.
Yusuf was 15 years old then, his mother pampered him and gave him everything he wanted even as poor as they were.

Soon the girl's father grew attached to Yusuf and decided to enroll him in a school. He got a driver to be taking Yusuf and his 4 years old daughter to school. Yusuf's mom on the other hand was very wicked to the girl, she used to maltreat her and make her do all sorts of work.
The poor girl couldn't tell her dad, as yusuf's mom threatened to kill her and her father.

One faithful day, the girl's father was transferred to a town very far away. He entrusted yusuf's mother to take care of his daughter, the girl was very sad. On the other hand, Yusuf and his mother were very happy. They have got an opportunity to maltreat the girl the more.

The girl did most of the chores in the house, which included cooking, at her age. She was subjected to that kind of treatment in her own father's house. Her father came home every six months, and on the day her father would come home. Yusuf's mom would dress her up and pretend to take good care of her and when he leaves, the girl would resume her normal duty.
All these went on for about three years, she had no friends and no one used to come to their house. So no one knew what she was going through. She was out in their backyard washing plates, one day and then a ball fell into their compound from the next compound. She looked around and saw no one and then she hid the ball.

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