Chapter 3

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"The class was so boring and please mark the faces of those girls we sat next to. They were so noisy, they had a side comment to everything the professor said. We would never sit close to them please" Ameerah complained to her friend as they stepped out of the lecture hall. The class had started few minutes after twelve and it didn't end until after 4pm.

"Yaya (brother) Kabir is coming to pick me so you don't need to worry" Aisha explained.

"Okay bye bye sweetheart" giving her friend a small smile. They were so used to themselves, they gave each other space they need, so many times their course mates mistook them for sisters and said they talk as if they would be charged for the words they spoke.

"okay my regards to everyone at home. Yaya(brother) is already here, see you tomorrow " She said walking to her brother's car.

"Do same for me please" Ameerah said as well entering her car. The school looked a bit deserted as most lectures have ended already. As she drove out of the school gates, her phone began vibrating indicating there was a call coming through. She decided to park and pick the call

"Assalamu Alayki, my old woman decided to call me today" she said calmly.
"I'm not old mind you, so how are you? The last time we spoke you said you were going to come visit me but still you didn't, Wai Yaushe zaki Fara sabawa da mutane (when would you start getting conversant with people?)" Her Granny Hajiya Maryam said.

"Inna we aren't on holiday yet and there is so much to do at the office, And Abuja is too far. You know I don't like traveling, but Insha Allah I'll visit soon. As it is we will be on holidays next week". She explained to her granny.

"Toh Allah ya kawo ki lafiya, (may Allah Grant you journey mercies). By the way I wanted to inform you that I'm at your uncle's so when you come you are joining me there, my house is been renovated" Granny said and she heard ameerah groan from the other side.
"I don't want excuses, you are joining me there" granny added.
"Okay Inna, I'm driving now, we would talk when I get home, bye" she said and didn't even wait for her grandmother to reply before hanging up.

Her drive home was a rather tiring one as she was already exhausted from the class, so as she got home, she met her parents chatting in the sitting room, she greeted them casually and hurried to her place of solace her bedroom. Ran a hot bath and changed into some comfy clothes.

She picked up her phone and dialed Tani's number. Tani picked after the first ring as if waiting for her call.
"Good evening ma" Tani greeted
"good evening Tani, what's for dinner I'm famished" she asked rubbing her stomach as if Tani could see her and at the same time her stomach made a sound.
"I'm not done cooking dinner but we have what's left during lunch, It's fried rice and salad, do you mind having that before I finish the dinner" Tani inquired.

"Yeah, that would do, send haneefa to bring it and add a glass of lemonade, thank you" she said and hanged up. She had that habit of hanging up after she has finished talking, not waiting for the other person to reply.
Few minutes later she heard a soft knock on her door which meant her food was here

"come in " she said without looking up from her best book, if tommorow comes, by Sidney Sheldon.
"Adda meerah, Abba and mama said you should come down for dinner by 7:30".
Haneefa said as she dropped the tray on a table by her side. Ameerah just nodded and her sister just smiled and left the room. Few minutes after Haneefa left, ameerah open the plates and dug into her food relishing the deliciousness in every part of her mouth, she never knew she was this hungry.

Ameerah came down for dinner as ordered by her parents, if it were up to her she would still eat her dinner up in her room.
"Come, sit my child" Mama motioned for ameerah to sit by her side. Ameerah just sat quietly as she served herself the orange juice on the table only.
"Why aren't you eating?" Abba asked looking up from his plate.

"I ate not long ago, I'm not hungry" she said simply as she watched her family eat.

"Inna called, she said that you are going to visit her at your uncle house,  I was surprised when she said you had agreed and that you going next week" Mama stated looking at ameerah.

Ameerah was shocked to hear that but just shook her head in amusement at the drama just created by her granny. She had no choice but to go.

"Uhmm, yes, but I told her I had a lot of work at the office and the holiday is next week so I will go the following week" she said
"Don't worry about the work Haruna is there he will manage" Abba said
"Okay" she said simply
" Abba we aren't going please" Haneef and haneefa said together.

"No problem, and I wouldn't want my baby away from me" He said smiling widely at Haneefa.

"When she gets married then I will see if you will follow her to her husband's house" Mama said shaking her head.

"Abba, I would prefer you book the ticket for 24th, that's ten days from today please" She said fast trying to dismiss the topic of marriage because she knew her parents so well they would start talking about her getting married bla bla bla.

"okay I would tell Haruna" Abba said and they all continued eating while ameerah just zoned out thinking about the possibilities of her getting married, would she ever get married?

She just hopes her parents won't force her to get married because Abba had told her to bring a guy when she was 21 and yet she hasn't brought anyone. Often times mama would purposely tell her about her friend's children wedding just to make her get married but no way she just says marriage is not on her to do list now. Mama would sometimes think about Ameerah's quietness and say " I just hope you find a good man, my child, one who would know your value, one who wouldn't think you are arrogant, one who would know you are kind hearted, one who would love you for who you are, ameerah na".

Ameerah woke up as the Adhan was called as usual. She prayed subh and read her favorite Sarah of the Holy Quran Suratul maryam, after that she folded her praying mat and snuggled in bed and sleep eluded her immediately.

She didn't wake up till 7:30 and quickly went to her bathroom to have a shower and dressed up in her gown as usual, when she was a UG student, some students teased her that she had a dress code, while some said she wore uniform because all her clothes were mostly gown and the only way they differ was the sleeve, neck or the design on the fabric.

She applied her kajal and looked at herself in the mirror, contented with the way she looked, she smiled to herself and made her way downstairs to have breakfast and rush to the office.


Fee amanillah


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