Chapter 26

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The bag Ameerah held fell on the floor, with shock evident in her eyes.
Abdul and the woman finally noticed Ameerah, who stood by the stairs.

Ameerah braced up and walked up to them, she did a good job in hiding her emotions.

" Ameerah, This is humaira" Abdul pointed at humaira. She had to check her out.

Not bad.

She's good looking and had a good fashion sense, though she was short. She looked more like a little sister beside Abdul.

" She would be my new wife, and a new mother to the kids" Abdul added

" Good evening Aunty Ameerah" humaira said

" It's just Ameerah, I'm no one's aunty please" Ameerah replied not even sparring her a glance.

" Habeeb, ifra, let's get going. Aunty sa'ada is waiting for us" Ameerah announced picking up the bag

" Umm... I was thinking. Since you'd be away for two days, you should leave the kids with me. That way we would get to know each other better" Humaira said, making Ameerah stop in her tracks.

She looked into Abdul's eyes, they were void, no emotions. She hated the fact that she couldn't read him at that point in time.

" Yeah, I was also supposing the same." Abdul said

" Okay" Ameerah replied promptly

" Dadu? Why should we have a new mammy?" Habeeb, who ran outta the kitchen mumbled.

" No one is getting a new mammy, dadu is only joking" Ameerah responded.

"We need to talk" she added yanking Abdul by his arm up the stairs.

"What's all that drama downstairs? Who's she? You think I will just remain silent about you bringing a random Lady into my house and claiming her to be the mother of my kids" she thundered after slamming their bedroom door

"Calm down Ameerah, I wanted to tell you all about this yesterday but then I didn't know how to" he said taking some steps away from her.

"Well you can do the explanation now" she said taking a seat.

" We don't have much time now, I'm sure sa'ada is eagerly awaiting your arrival" He sat next to her.

She looked at him with disdain, she couldn't believe he was the same person she married.

He was also selfish.

All men were.

"You can take the kids with you, I'll explain to humaira" he added before walking out

"She deserves an explanation but not me"  Ameerah thought, he constantly had this way of hurting her feelings


She walked downstairs, picked her bag and straddled ifra to her waist. Making her way to the door, she didn't even spare them a glance.

Sadness, sorrow, misery and pain was all she felt as she drove to aunty salma's house. Abdul has already erased her name from his heart, he was ready to move on leaving her behind.

" Hey! Welcome darling" Sa'ada said as soon as Ameerah walked in.

" Hi sis" Ameerah replied hugging her.

Ameerah greeted all the elderly women who sat in the sitting room. Most of them were her distant aunties, while others were her grand aunts.
She missed Inna. During her wedding, inna was the one going around to make sure everything was okay and everyone was comfortable.

" You don't look alright girl" Aisha said studying Ameerah's face.

" I am fine, it's just that I miss inna" Ameerah said quietly, staring into space.

" We all do, we can only pray for her" Rukky assured.

"You guys are the best, what would I do without you" Ameerah said widening her arms for a hug, to which they all joined

She felt like telling them what Abdulaziz was about to do, but she can't always burden them with her issues. She has to deal with this one her self.

Two days went by swiftly and in an hour, Sa'ada would be conveyed to khalid's house. Actually his family house, because his mom wanted him close to her being the only boy. Sa'ada had a problem with staying in his family house with all his grumpy cousins and not so nice sisters, but then Khalid assured her that all would be fine and he would support her always.

Finally, the time had come for her to be conveyed. Sa'ada hugged the life out of her brother, they didn't talk much but then they cared for each other so much.

" I'll miss you so much ya fuad" sa'ada hiccuped

" I'll miss you too, be good at your in laws. Represent mummy and daddy's training please" he lectured as if he was talking to a little girl.

"Promise me you'll eat on time and also take good care of Yourself" She added clutching onto his babban riga.

"Yes, its a promise. Let me take you to the car, Khalid has been waiting" he replied.

Ameerah and the girls went in the same car with sa'ada while the aunties convoyed in the cars behind them.

Ameerah was so exhausted she came home, Abdulaziz picked them up from sa'ada's house. The trip home was quiet as the kids had already fallen asleep.

" Can we talk please" Abdulaziz asked as he entered her room.

"Okay" she replied, seating on the bed.

" Ameerah, I know it wasn't right for humaira to just show up without me informing you first. I apologise for that" He explained calmly.

" You are young Ameerah, you just turned 24. You have a whole life ahead of you, I can't be so selfish to expect you to stay and look after my kids for the rest of your life."

"You don't want anything to do with me, I know you don't want this relationship. But it's impossible and unfair for me to make you stay for my children" He said without looking at her.

"It's 'my' children now right?" She asked with pain spelt all over her face.

"I didn't mean it that way, you are getting all this wrong"

"I'm getting it all wrong? Hmm? Okay, I will accept humaira and leave this house only if the kids accept her. I'll leave once they are used to her" she declared.

" Good night, and please lock the door behind you" she said as she curled up under her duvet.

He left her room and made his way to his, he dialed a number and the person picked up after the second ring.

" what was the outcome?" The person asked

" Bad, Good night" Abdul replied hanging up the phone.

Heyy guys
How are you all
Short chappy right?


Fee amanillah


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